From Pine View Farm

July, 2015 archive

If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., plays trump on Republicans’ hypocrisy on “war heroes.” A snippet:

So Trump deserves every bit of scorn his party has heaped upon him. He deserved to have Jeb Bush call his remark “slanderous” and Rick Perry to call it “offensive.” He deserved Rick Santorum’s tweet that “McCain is an American hero,” and the Republican National Committee’s statement that “there is no place in our party or our country” for such remarks. In a word, he deserved condemnation.

But the people who slandered John Kerry deserved it, too. The secretary of state is also a war hero, period, full stop. If that term doesn’t fit a wounded man who braved enemy fire to fish another man out of a river, then it doesn’t fit anyone. Yet in 2004 when then-Sen. Kerry ran for president and a shadowy Republican-allied group mocked that heroism and baselessly called Kerry a liar, the GOP had a different response.

Jeb Bush wrote a letter praising those who questioned Kerry’s heroism. Perry declined to condemn them. “I think that there’s a lot of questions,” he said. Santorum said Kerry “brought this upon himself” by emphasizing his military service. And Republicans went to their convention sporting small purple bandages in mockery of Kerry’s Purple Heart.

Donald Trump is the Republican id unfiltered.


Cooch and the Cuckoos: The Reunion Tour 0

Still speaking in code after all these years.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Our neighbors in the great white north are known for being polite.

A 39-year-old man remains in serious but stable condition after being shot while asleep in a camper at Speedway 660 in Geary.

The incident happened around 5 p.m. Saturday, during the races that happen most Saturdays at Speedway 660.

RCMP believe the bullet came from the property beside the Speedway’s campground where people were target practicing.



Mark Twain:

It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.


“He’s Got Game” 0


Facts Need Not Apply 0

It’s a Republican thing.


Prowling for Pretexts: Barney Fife with Real Bullets 0

An ex-cop, now a law professor, weighs in at TPM (emphasis in the original):

As a former police officer, and now as a legal scholar who studies policing, I know the law is not a moral compass. An officer’s actions can be entirely lawful, and yet fail to meet the high standards that we should expect from our law enforcement professionals, our community guardians. When we focus on whether the police acted lawfully, we are missing the chance to ask whether they acted appropriately. As I watch the dash camera video of the traffic stop, I can’t help but think of the distinction between lawful policing and rightful policing.

Read the rest and understand why Sheriff Andy would not have given this Barney Fife the bullet.


Textual Interpretations 0

Camp-fired girl:

When my first daughter was born, my mother told me that my life was going to change — that my emotional weather would no longer be dictated by my own moods, but by my daughter’s. “You’re only ever as happy as your unhappiest child,” she said.

If my girls become mothers themselves, I’ll tell them the same thing, with an important addition. “You’re only ever as happy as your unhappiest child,” I will say. “So do not send your unhappiest child to sleep-away camp with an unlimited texting plan.”

Follow the link for the text of the texts.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


The Privatization Scam 0

As my local rag points out, it’s still taking a toll. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

For every public-private partnership designed to save the state money by leveraging private-sector efficiencies, there is a proposal that seeks nothing more than to insert public money into private pockets.

Many of the nation’s biggest public-private projects (supported by immensely complex webs of public and private investment), are foremost financial and investment instruments.

If you can get a government, as (ex-Governor and convicted influence peddler–ed.) McDonnell did on the Elizabeth River tunnels, to commit to outrageous terms like a 13.5 percent average annual profit, or a yearly elevator on tolls of 3.5 percent or more, all protected by a clause that forces the state to pay if it builds anything that diverts traffic, you’ve helped created a remarkably safe and lucrative financial instrument.

That comes, in this instance, at the expense of people who have no choice but to use the Downtown or Midtown tunnels, where tolls are due to rise to $1.87 per car and $7.36 per truck in 2017 and to keep on rising for decades.


One-Note Samba, Republican Style 0

Republicans: Always ready to sacrifice . . . .

Republican Plan B for Iran:  War

. . . the children of others.

Via Job’s Anger.


“Confederacy of Dunces” 0

The Booman tries to figure out why there are so many clowns in the Republican clown car.



David Hockney:

I do do a lot of talking, because it saves me listening.


Prowling for Pretext 0

Via Raw Story.


Totally Tubular 0



Hoocouldanode 0

And this surprises you how?


Light Bloggery 0

Break time.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

There is nothing looking at the politeness.

According to Sgt. David E. De Foor, the girl was shot in the head Wednesday morning after, 26-year-old Sirtravis Franklin, the child’s mother, and another person were looking at a pistol on the 500 block of East 28th Street when the gun went off.



Anais Nin:

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.


Football uber Alles 0

Sportswriter extraordinaire Bob Molinaro cuts to the quick (emphasis in the original):

Enablers: Jimbo Fisher had no choice but to accept responsibility for recent events involving Florida State football players striking women – one caught on video, the other being investigated. But it’s not Fisher’s fault. He’s just a cog in the machine. Put the blame on university presidents and other officials for turning a blind eye to what’s involved in the care and feeding of those athletes who don’t belong on campus. The real scandal is these guardians of higher education are never embarrassed enough by a dubious process to do much more than offer lip service to their schools’ true missions.
