From Pine View Farm

July, 2015 archive

“Heritage,” Reprise 1

Wayne Curtis ruminates on the statue of General Robert E. Lee that graces downtown New Orleans and the discussion over whether it should be removed to a different location. A snippet:

Not surprisingly, there has been considerable resistance. As of this week, nearly 20,000 people had signed a petition at calling on the mayor to “cease and desist any and all talks that involve the demolition and re-naming of the Robert E. Lee historical monument.”

Others have invoked the slippery slope argument—if you rename this monument, where do you stop? New Orleans may not be a celebration of the confederacy, but it’s marbled with it, like gristle. There’s the Beauregard monument at the entrance to City Park, not far from the Jefferson Davis Parkway. There’s Palmer Park, named after minister Benjamin Morgan Palmer, who gained some fame for declaring it the duty of the south “to conserve and to perpetuate the institution of domestic slavery as now existing.” And there’s Calhoun St., named after John C. Calhoun, who once said that “we have never dreamed of incorporating into our union any but the Caucasian race. … Ours, sir, is the government of the white race.” How far down are the shadows cast? Should the highly regarded Isidore Newman School be renamed because its namesake once donated to a fund for the Beauregard statue, implicitly hailing the man who defended slavery?

Those who revere symbols must know that, in their reverance, they also revere what the symbols symbolize (for Pete’s sake, that’s why they are called symbols. They symbolize).

Indeed, the very energy with which they attempt to deny that (“The war, suh, was about economics, not slavery”) attests that, on some level, they do in fact recognize it and the hypocrisy that attends their reverence.


“A Well-Regulated Militia . . . .” 1

Gun nuts

Via Juanita Jean.


Arch Looks 0

Couple in car in front of MacDoanald's

Via Job’s Anger.


“Heritage” 0

Out Lexington way, Raymond Agnor wished to defend his gigantic Confederate Battle ensign, so he bought an ad in his local rag.

“About the Confederate Flag,” the ad stated. “Because of all the trouble the democrats and black race are causing, I place this ad. No black people or democrats are allowed on my property until further notice.”

Just follow the damned link.


“The Smart One” Is Waiting in the Lobby 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” (Updated) 0

Politeness goes to the movies.

A 58-year-old white male who was a theater patron fired multiple shots, Edmonson said. The shooter was acting alone and is deceased, he said. There were about 100 people inside at the time.

Three dead, seven injured, as of when I write this, just because he could.

More etiquette at the link.

One wonders, did he hold his pinky out when he lovingly caressed the trigger?


In breaking news of the polite . . . .



Walter Gilbert:

Science doesn’t in the slightest depend on trust. It depends completely on the belief that you can demonstrate something for yourself.


“Marching as to War” 0

Some persons wrap their prejudices in the flag; others wrap theirs in the cross. Some use both as packaging. When you see such packaging, though, it’s a fairly safe bet that truth-in-labeling has naught to do with it.

Look closely and you can peer through the camouflage. Neil Elliott, responding to an article in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, does just that. A snippet:

Pence (the writer of the column to which Elliott responds–ed.) would, I presume, be shocked — shocked! — to find himself compared to racist groups. After all, he counts himself among the benevolent white Christians who “sent clergymen to march­— and then . . . federal troops to protect” after the racist bombing of a church that killed four black girls in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963. But perhaps he forgets that the Birmingham bombers were themselves Christian extremists, disaffected from the Ku Klux Klan, who felt empowered by a righteous cause, one of them invoking “the Lord” and “Judgment Day” at his sentencing.

The unreflective racism is just beneath the surface. Pence writes of our nation’s “Christian heritage,” but is especially concerned to excoriate President Obama for not galvanizing Americans to holy war. He wants us to unite with “black Christian nations”: Are we, then, a white Christian nation? He writes of “us” finding common cause even with “the brown-skinned neighbors who have been growing our food and roofing our houses for the last half-century.” In his mind, do all of us who are neither Christian nor white just cease to be American?


With Charity Towards None 0

Via Raw Story.


Gamed 0

GOP Monopoly:  One player is given all the properties except Whitechapel Road (must be the UK version--ed.)., plus 95% of the bank.  You are expected to succeed with what's left.  If you don't, it's your fault.

Via Job’s Anger.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

If the truth is not on your side, make stuff up. It’s the Wingnut Way.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0


The fewest Americans in four decades filed applications for unemployment benefits last week, continuing to unwind an early-July surge that was probably tied to mid-year factory shutdowns and school vacations.

Jobless claims plunged by 26,000 to 255,000 in the week ended July 18, the fewest since November 1973, a report from the Labor Department showed on Thursday in Washington.


The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly numbers, decreased to 278,500 from 282,500. That was little changed from the 277,000 average during the June survey period.

In a continuing trend, Bloomberg is still need of new experts.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Tragically accidental politeness is the politest kind.

A 17-year-old Cassville teen was shot to death Monday night when a gun held by a 19-year-old Cassville man accidentally discharged, officials said.


Police said Winkers and several of his friends were shooting at targets at his house, using various types of weapons, including long guns and pistols.

. . . and, once more, a gun pulls its own trigger.


“Licensed To Kill” 0



Pierre Nichol:

We need a reason to speak but none to keep silent.


Trump Glowers 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear tries to understand the appeal of Donald Trump. A snippet (emphasis added):

The Right wing media has become powerful over time in framing the news and even the basic political frameworks of conservatives (I know this just from discussions with family members). While Fox and right wing talkers openly espouse racial resentment and xenophobia, politicians to be respectable have to resort to dog whistles and euphemisms. They say things like “upholding the law” and “securing the border.”

Donald Trump doesn’t do any of that, which is why his naked appeals to anti-immigrant hatred make him more, not less popular. This is why his Birther beliefs didn’t get him discredited for life. He is just openly saying what a lot of conservatives already think. The Republican party leaders are like the sorcerer’s apprentice. They have called into being a Tea Party that helps get their legions of voters to the polls, but now it has been exploited by a man who is totally outside of their control. This simply could not have happened forty years ago.


Droning On 0

Boys and their toys.

The CAA said it had recorded six other incidents between May 2014 and March 2015 at airports around the UK in which drones and piloted craft almost collided.

“Drone users must understand that when taking to the skies they are entering one of the busiest areas of airspace in the world,” said Tim Johnson, director of policy at the CAA, in a statement.

Drone owners must be aware of the rules and regulations surrounding the flying of their craft, he said.

Recklessly endangering an aircraft is a criminal offence, said Mr Johnson, and those convicted could face a five-year jail sentence.

It’s won’t be long until some bozo brings down an airliner while playing with his masturbatory mechanical aero-vibrator.


Sauce for the Goose 0

Newscaster:  A website for cheating spouses has been hacked.  Husband and wife both think:

Click for a larger image.

My brother and I exchanged some emails about this. However much we both disapprove of cracking into databases, neither one of us can find in ourselves much sympathy for AshleyMadison’s clientele.

You dance to the music, you must perchance pay the piper.


“Attack of the Killer Passwords” 0

Reg Henry pens a modern horror story.

Read more »


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0

No doubt the Florida state government will attempt to ban the ban, because frack you.
