July, 2015 archive
Words Change with the Times 0
When Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican President, “bully” was a compliment.
Religious Warriors 0
The Republican Party has a strange fascination with sending the children of others to their deaths.
Crass Acts 0
It appears that Maine’s Governor LePage is Chris Christie without the suave veneer of urbane sophistication.
Helm’s Derp 0
Back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un and the interstate highway was still a dream, we would occasionally get caught behind an Army convoy on two lane roads.
It would seem endless, but it was but a blip compared to the cavalcade of crazy in Texas.
Bird Shot 2
The condo association is having the decks and balconies power-washed and stained, something that happens every I’m not sure how many years, so all objects have to be removed. When we took down the hanging ferns over the balcony, we found something unexpected; that dark object in the center is a bird’s nest. A family of birds came and went without our noticing them.
Bringing Home the Bacon 0
Pigs can fly–oh, wait.
Generalization Trump Marshals His Troops 0
Mike Kelly considers Trump the generalizer:
But Trump’s statements that Mexican immigrants are “bringing” drugs and crime and “they’re rapists” won’t go away – for good reason.
In those words, uttered in the first minutes of his presidential announcement on June 16, Trump sunk into the bigotry of generalization.
Do read the rest. It is worth three minutes of your time.
*This statement is as wrong as it is clever.
Generalizing is not the root of prejudice; it is the fertilizer.
Greecing the Skids 0
Bonddad analyzes the promise of austerity as economic policy and finds it lacking. Here’s a bit; follow the link for the rest.
Total GDP at constant prices has decreased about 25%. That means there has been NO GROWTH. For the economically challenged, NO GROWTH IS BAD.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
More polite play.
More guns will no doubt ameliorate the incidence of such unfortunate misadventures.
Support the Troops, Bushie Style 0
You can’t make this stuff up.