From Pine View Farm

August, 2015 archive

Geeking Out: Finally Figured Out VNC 0

PCBSD running in VirtualBox running on Slackware –Current on my Zareason Limbo desktop through a VNC connection from my Zareason Strata laptop using the X11vnc server and the tightvnc viewer.


Click for a larger image.

Thanks to Klaatu for getting me off my duff to figure this out.


You might notice a certain pattern in how I like my desktop to look.


Practicing Yogi 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


Light Bloggery 0

Christallmighty, I need a break.

In the meantime, swing it, baby!



Eden Phillpotts:

The people sensible enough to give good advice are usually sensible enough to give none.


And Now, a Moment of Zen 0


Secretive Ballots 0


“Bombs Away” 0

Jim Wright explodes over warmongers.


Darling of the Confederate Party 0

Charicature of Donald Trump wearing a

Via C&L.


Anatomy Antics 0

Even as the Game Show Network shows painted naked bodies with a side of snickers and pretends it is somehow a “game show,” New York City goes all Miss Grundy about the same.

We are a society of stupid.


The Smart One Puts Out a Contract 0


“Dude, You’re Flirting with a Bot” 0

It appears that, at Ashley Madison, there was less than met the eye.

Since long before the days of the badger game, horny men have been suckers ripe for the plucking, and there have been plenty of pluckers.



Holbrook Jackson:

No man is ever old enough to know better.


“Tithes and Offerings” 0


“We’re Number One!” 0

Chart showing gun murders in US far outstrip those in other countries.  US rate is 3.7 per 10,000; next  highest is .68 per 10,000.

Click for a larger image.


Arms Race 0

NRA guy keeps calling for more and more guns, then wonders where all the bullets are coming from.

Southern Beale points out the inconsistencies (follow the link for the entire post).

No one wants to politicize a tragedy but no one also ever points out that calling for arming teachers, National Guard recruiters, airplane pilots, etc. is doing just that.

Image via Job’s Anger.


“A Nation of Immigrants” 0

Sam and his guest explain how Donald Trump’s opposition to “birthright” citizenship echoes of the Secesh.


Twits on Twitter 0

Trumptwits. (Warning: Language.)


Schlemiel, Schlimazl, Schmart One 0

Dick Polman comments on Jeb Bush’s decision to play the “Asian” card. Here’s a bit.

The GOP establishment’s designated big bucks receptacle has already misspoken, backtracked, and clarified so many times, I’ve lost count. But what he said on Monday at the Texas border was truly classic. While trying to mend fences with Hispanics, he said that he hadn’t meant to suggest that the slur term “anchor babies” applied to them. No, no. Here’s what he meant: “Frankly, it’s more related to Asian people coming into the country.”

Well, that clears things up. He hadn’t meant to smear Hispanics. He was trying to smear Asians.

And this guy is supposed to be the smart Bush.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Still under 300k.

Unemployment applications dropped by 6,000 to 271,000 in the week ended Aug. 22, a Labor Department report showed Thursday.


The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, rose to 272,500 from 271,500 in the prior week.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits increased by 13,000 to 2.27 million in the week ended Aug. 15. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.7 percent. These data are reported with a one-week lag.


Anchor Babies Away! Reprise 0


From Pine View Farm
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