From Pine View Farm

August, 2015 archive


Audrey Hepburn:

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.


And Now, a Moment of Zen 0


Show Trials 0

I have a difficult time taking it seriously when the national office of a frat suspends a local chapter for, you know, acting like frat boys.


When I was a young ‘un, back in the olden days, I knew some ‘Nus on my own college campus up the road a piece. It is good to see that some things haven’t changed.


The London Gang: “Stand and Deliver” 0


Droning On 0

Firing in the skies:

Prosecutors charged a 33-year-old Cape May County man in the shooting down of a drone with a shotgun.

Russell Percenti allegedly shot at the remote-control aircraft as it flew over his neighbor’s home on the 1000 block of Seaside Drive in Erma, Lower Township, in September of last year, according to the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office.


“The Past . . . Is Not Even Past” 0

Via The Guardian.


Motherhood Is Wonderful . . . 0

. . . as long it remains behind closed doors.

It amazes how the letter-writer manages to conflate a pregnant lady wishing to continue working at her job as long as she can with “political correctness.”

Her doing so supports the argument that persons who complain about “political correctness” want nothing more than a license to be nasty without penalty.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is a family affair.

North College Hill police said the child’s 17-year-old brother was pulling the magazine oh (sic) his handgun when the weapon fired a bullet that hit a wall, grazing the 11-year-old on the right side.

The kid may have been using a magazine, but authorities are throwing the book at him.

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Now That’s the Ticket! 0

Bumper Sticker:

Via Juanita Jean.




Acquisition means life to miserable mortals.


Where the Wild Things Are 0

Some more pictures from my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

Osprey in tree with fishin talons

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Anchor Babies Away! 0


Anchor babies” exist only in the fetid imaginations of racists and bigots.

If someone you know–including someone running for public office–starts to babble about “anchor babies,” back away, slowly. He or she is so taken with hate as to be beyond reason.


War and Mongers of War 0

For the Iran deal:  Diplomats, Generals, Scientists.  Against the Irag deal:  Architects of the Iraq War.

Via Job’s Anger.


‘Tis the Reason for the Season 0

Yes indeedy-do. Nothing says “Christmas” quite like the flag of secession, subjugation, and slavery.


Copyrights and Copywrongs 0

In a magnificent example of f(l)ail, Ashley Madison has decided that its users’ information is copyright and is issuing DMCA take-down notices to try to scrub it from the web.


As a money-making enterprise, Ashley Madison is toast, and soggy toast at that.


Just for the Funds of It 0

Pan-handler holding out hat next to sign  showing

Click for a larger image.


Facebook Frolics 0

The tipping point.


Droning On 0

Boys and their toys.

My brother sent me this link from a publication for the agricultural industry, which hopes to use small drones to monitor irrigation, crop growth and health, and the like.

How in the world are we going to receive agricultural use approval for drones/unmanned aerial vehicles with all the knuckleheads buying small UAVs over the internet or at the hobby store and flying them around like kids playing with Matchbox toy cars?

UAVs can have important uses in agriculture, law enforcement and many industries, but Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials are worried about drones whizzing around airports and over high-security sites across the nation.



Satchel Paige:

I don’t generally like running. I believe in training by rising gently up and down from the bench.


Patriot Games 0

Honest to Pete, you can’t make this stuff up.

From Pine View Farm
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