From Pine View Farm

August, 2015 archive

Dis Coarse Discourse 0


American Taliban, Reprise 0

Chris Honore marvels at the appeal of Donald Trump and finds an alarming analogy. A snippet:

To hear Trump speak is to shudder, not only because of his words, but because his free-association rants are often delivered in the context of large gatherings, audiences that cheer while he spins his vision for America, prompting the question: Who are these people and what has happened to the party of Lincoln?

The answer may reside with ISIS. To explain, at least in part, the attraction of this group, Roger Cohen posited in the New York Times that what this caliphate offers is a release from the “burden of freedom” while offering purpose and meaning as well as strict moral boundaries and order. There is the promise of salvation and martyrdom framed by a code of behavior (sharia law) that is enforced with lethal finality while simultaneously surrounding the true believer with community and approbation.

Follow the link for the rest of his argument.


Core Constituencies 0

Dick Polman analyzes the “Trumpistas.”

Yes, they are who you think they are.


Freedom from Information 0

It’s a Republican thing.


For Pete’s Sake, Let Them Eat Cake 0

Via Raw Story.


Second Childhood, Tennis Dept. 0

John McEnroe, aspiring Bobby Riggs (warning: language):

I remember watching Bobby Riggs’s matches against Margaret Court and Billy Jean King on the telly vision.

Win or lose, Riggs was a jerk, a fitting idol for John McEnroe.


My second childhood includes a Mustang convertible. It does not include making a fool of myself in public. I can make a fool of myself right here quite nicely thank you.

Also, subscribe to TWIB. You might learn stuff.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness: It’s just how you play the game.

Gamers, guns, and bloodlust–the American Dream.

We are beyond hope.



Auguste Comte:

Men are not allowed to think freely about chemistry and biology: why should they be allowed to think freely about political philosophy?


Ken Burning the Confederate Flag 0

Excerpt from Ken Burns’s statements:

The main American theme, I think, is freedom. But we also notice that race is always there. . . .

And we struggle with it. We try to ignore it. We pretend, with the election of Barack Obama, that we’re in some post-racial society. And what we have seen is a kind of reaction to this. The birther movement, of which Donald Trump is one of the authors of, is another politer way of saying the N word. It’s just more sophisticated and a little bit more clever. He’s ‘other.’

What’s actually ‘other’ and different about him? It turns out it’s the same old thing. It’s the color of his skin.

Via Raw Story.


Bears! 0

Pamela Druckerman remembers vacationing in the Smokies and her fear of bears, even though no bear ever threatened her. That leads her to wonder why so many Americans seem scared of everything all the time. Here’s a bit (emphasis added); follow the link for the rest.

My husband, who’s British, wasn’t worried about bears at all. But he was reading a book on how to write a screenplay and said I was forcing our vacation into a classic narrative: A monster appears and threatens the family or community. The hero steps in to slay it and restore tranquility. It’s the plot of “Jaws ,” “Fatal Attraction” and James Bond.

Americans didn’t invent this narrative, but we’ve embraced it with a special fervor. Never mind that owning a gun makes you less safe; we like the story that says we’re protecting our families. Never mind the enormous drops in homicide, robbery and other violence. We cling to the story that the world has become more dangerous.

The hero story also seeps into American politics. Why are many Republican presidential candidates obsessed with undocumented immigrants? They’re inventing a monster that threatens America, then promising to rescue us. Donald J. Trump has Mexicans; I have bears.


American Taliban 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Even if persons get too close to you, show politeness.

Upon leaving the store, Michelle Dupree found that someone had parked too close to her truck, Renton police accounts say.

Dupree reportedly waited for the driver. When he emerged from the store and got into the driver’s seat of his car, she started yelling at him and initiated an argument, court documents say.

The man backed out of the parking lot and started to drive away, but the two continued to argue. The man reportedly yelled, “I’m a man” out of his car window, probable cause records say, prompting Dupree to reply, “Well, I’m a woman. That’s why I have an equalizer.”

Dupree allegedly retrieved a handgun from her truck, pointed it at the man and walked toward his car as he tried to leave the parking lot.


“Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail” 0

Republican Elephant looks at Obamacare and says,

Click for a larger image.


Virginia Gentlemen 0


ODU President John Broderick said students could face disciplinary action after a photo of sexually suggestive banners welcoming freshmen women to Old Dominion University sparked a furor on social media Saturday.

The three signs at the house, which have been taken down, read: “ Rowdy and fun. Hope your baby girl is ready for a good time …”, “Freshman daughter drop off” with an arrow pointed to the front door and “Go ahead and drop off mom too …”



Playing Trump 0

The Booman sums up the attraction:

It’s true what Glenn Beck says: Donald Trump isn’t a conservative. But he’s a racist, which is close enough.


Facebook Frolics 0

Expectant frolics.



Paul Graham:

There are plenty of smart people who get nowhere.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Steven M reflects on the New Confederate Party.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Maze of restrictions.  Republican in the center of the maze says,

Click for a larger image.


The Snaring Economy 0

Via Raw Story.

From Pine View Farm
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