From Pine View Farm

September, 2015 archive

Lefties 0

My father once told me that his father was a natural left-hander, who was forcibly trained out of it in school (that would have been before WWI). Granddaddy resented that for the rest of his life.


The Fee Hand of the Market 0

Man with giant screw labeled


Billing and Cuckooing 0

A professor of constitutional law points out the Republicans in Congress are trying to do unconstitutional stuff. A snippet:

Though no one is talking about it, this most recent dust-up over federal funding for Planned Parenthood is very clearly an example of an unconstitutional bill of attainder: Congress is singling out Planned Parenthood and punishing the organization for allegedly improper and illegal actions.

More specifically, a bill of attainder has to meet three legal requirements: The law has to “determine guilt and inflict punishment,” it must act “upon an identifiable individual,” and it must do so “without provision of the protections of a judicial trial.” All these requirements are met here.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Get a load of all this politeness:

Sheriff Donnie Harrison said 20-year-old David Padron was disassembling a gun and didn’t realize it was loaded before it went off. The bullet hit his brother, 22-year-old Jesus Padron.

“He was just taking the bullets out of his weapon because there were kids in the house and he wanted to make sure it was empty,” said Sheriff Harrison.

Er, yeah.



Short and Sweet 0

Follow the link to the shortest newspaper editorial on record.

Via Kos.


Now We Know What Fahrvergnügen Means 0

Warning: Language.



Najib Razak:

Agreeing to share prosperity, rather than let it divide us, is infinitely preferable to the alternative.


A. Schedule a Lunar Eclipse 0

Q. How can you guarantee that the skies will be cloudy the whole darn night?

In truth, the skies cleared long enough for us to see most of the covering-up portion. The moon was about 7/8s covered when the clouds rolled back in.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


Compassionate Conservatism 0


The Republican Borg 0

The Booman considers the assimilated.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Jack Ohman rounds up a cavalcade of stupid.


How Stuff Works, Equal Protection Dept. 0

White guy and black guy holding up banner saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


Orange Pekoe Gets Teabagged 0

The Commander Guy’s version of the fall of the Boehner of House is a hoot. Here’s one bit:

Today’s big news is that the Speaker of the House John Boehner has martyred himself, not for the good of the nation because he easily acquiesced to Tea Party demands to repeatedly shutdown the government and walked up to the brink of National Default. But rather than that he has sacrificed himself for the good not (of–sic) the government or planned parenthood but for the RINO establishment.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind.

A South Dakota man is currently in custody after telling police officers he was shot in the penis by a “black guy” when he actually shot himself while attempting to purchase a gun illegally, reports the Argus Leader.

Note the use of the all-purpose “blame a black guy” strategy.


All the News that Fits, Star-Crossed Lovers Dept. 0



Tom Kite:

You can always find a distraction if you’re looking for one.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


American Taliban 4

When I was growing up, Virginia did not permit “liquor by the drink.” Restaurants could not serve cocktails (I’m not sure about the laws on beer and wine, but no decent eatery out in the country, where I grew up, served them). You could buy whiskey and other liquors at ABC (“Alcoholic Beverage Control”) stores, where the clerks wore uniforms and fetched the bottles from the shelves behind the counter.

The local still was located in the woods across a field behind the courthouse . . . .


Virginia still has ABC stores, but the clerks no longer wear uniforms and customers can browse the shelves. The prices, though, compared to Delware prices which I have observed on my trips to Philadelphia, are somewhat–er–elevated. A monopoly will act like a monopoly whenever given the chance.


The Privatization Scam 0

The scammers have a new target.

Conversation is building in Washington on this question: Would the FAA be better able to handle its regulatory duties if the day-to-day operations of air traffic control were privatized?

The FAA, in a burst of sanity, is against the idea. Those who favor are it, natch, the folks who believe that there is no such thing as the public good.

Details of the con at the link.

From Pine View Farm
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