TSA Security Theatre 2
There’s nothing like a skilled, trained, competent security agency. And this is nothing like a ski–oh, never mind.
Read the rest. Just do.
Virginia Beach
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There’s only one person who agrees with me on everything, and, as I’m not running for office, that person is not on the ballot.
There’s nothing like a skilled, trained, competent security agency. And this is nothing like a ski–oh, never mind.
Read the rest. Just do.
September 14, 2015 at 6:11 pm
I have a master key for every one of those locks and it’s a lot cheaper and common than a 3d printer and a hacker site. I call it … Hammer. But, you know, I’m not nearly as quick as teh hackers anymore.
September 14, 2015 at 9:07 pm
Well, if you want a news story to get play, just include “hacker” in it. That turns it into a Great Big Mysterious Thing because it involves Magic Boxes that only the cognoscenti understand.
I had no idea that there were TSA approved padlocks. That’s a side issue, though. The real issue is that the TSA makes Get Smart’s Control look like mensa.
(Back when I was stepping on airplanes once or twice a month, I figured the TSA would search my stuff if they wanted to anyway, so why bother? All the important stuff went carry-on or was shipped ahead.)