From Pine View Farm

October, 2015 archive

Gunning for a Fight 0

Over at Northjersey-dot-com, Jonathan Zimmerman suggests the gunnuttery is really not about guns, that, instead, guns are proxy for something else (and, no, he doesn’t mean penises).

Just read it.

(Horrifying grammatical error corrected.)


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Bring up children with politeness.

A 2-year-old is being treated at Gulf Coast Medical Center after suffering what the Fort Myers Police Department called an “accidental gunshot wound.” . . .

A family member said the child was hit in the thumb.


Correlation Is Not Causation 0

Then, again . . . .

Bette Middler Tweet:  Three in four Americans believe the Benghazi hearings were politically motivated.  Meanwhile, one in four Americans never turn off Fox News.


No Place To Hide 0

Support the EFF. Click the link on the sidebar, over there.——>


Showing Restraint 0

Cop assaulting female  student as another student answers a test question:


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Still not bad.

Jobless claims increased by 1,000 to 260,000 in the week ended Oct. 24, less than the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey, a Labor Department report showed Thursday. The four-week average of applications dropped to the lowest level since December 1973, while the number of Americans on benefit rolls shrank.


The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, fell to 259,250 from 263,250 the week before.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits decreased by 37,000 in the week ended Oct. 17 to 2.14 million, the fewest since November 2000.

The really big news is that Bloomberg’s “experts” were in the ballpark. I think the last time that happened was sometime in the spring.


Fright Night 0

GOP candidates trick-or-treating.  Voice comes from inside house:  Leave the lights out.  Maybe they'll go away.

Click for a larger image.


Can You Dig It? 0

These folks did.



Mary Astor:

It’s not good to make sentimental journeys. You see the differences instead of the sameness.


Leeching Off the Learned 0

. . . but the football team has a winning record.


Be Very Afraid 0

My latest issue of Playboy contains a warning from Canada:

You elected George H. W. Bush; we gave you Celine Dion.

You elected George W. Bush; we gave you Nickelback.

You elected George W. Bush; we gave you Justin Bieber.

Do not elect Donald Trump. You do not want to know what’s coming next.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Man with money bag for head--callout says,

Click for a larger image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Like Petri wine, politeness is handed down from father to son.

Acworth police said the father had just picked up his two young children from daycare while their mother was at work.

“Right now, all we know is that the child was left unattended and got a hold of the handgun,” said Acworth police officer Youlanda Leverette.

When officers arrived, they found the boy in his parents’ bedroom. His father told officers the gun had been in a holster on the bed when the boy apparently found it and pulled the trigger.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

James Klagge points out that symbols symbolize.


Chartering a Course for Disaster 0

The cyber-con.


Is Too! 0

Shorter Rand Paul:

History is what I say.


“The Snake Handler” 0

The Snake Handler:  GOP on its back foaming at the mouth, one hand holding scriptures titled



Havelock Ellis:

The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago… had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.


Immunity Impunity 0


Facebook Frolics 0

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