2015 archive
A Flagging Interest in the Secesh 0
The Roanoke Times, in a long and thoughtful piece, considers the efforts this year to remove Confederate monuments and memoribilia from public display. Remember, most of these took place after Dylan Roof tried to rally the Secesh to a new race war by killing persons in a church. Here’s a bit; the whole thing is worth a read:
Here is one question to ask as Confederate symbols or even non-Confederate ones come up for review: Does their display constitute an endorsement of the politics behind them?
At some level, the answer may always be “yes.” Otherwise, why else would the historical figure have been honored in the first place? There’s a national movement among conservative activists to name more things after Ronald Reagan. They’re not doing that simply because they thought Reagan was a congenial fellow — they’re doing it to validate his philosophy for history.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
A polite society is a clean society.
Just another day in Gun Nut Paradise, where the carnage of innocents is a routine and acceptable byproduct of boys stroking their ammosex toys.
3D Printing Goes to Sea 0
3D printing has been mainstreamed.
The miniature fabrication labs have been placed on two ships: the aircraft carrier Truman and the amphibious assault ship Kearsarge. Both Norfolk-based ships are deployed to the Middle East in the fight against the Islamic State.
Much more at the link.
Live the Future at Tomorrow Land 0
Disney Land installs metal detectors at entrances. Here’s a snippet from Mary Sanchez’s article:
This is the normalizing of fear. And it happens because politicians are unwilling to do anything to actually make us safer in the form of expanded background checks or limits on gun ownership.
Gun Nut Paradise progresses apace.
Lab Test 0
Southern Beale points out that the proof is in the packing.
“Off We Go a-Caroling . . . .” 0
John Romano composes new carols for this holiday season.
Likely they will still be timely a year from now.