From Pine View Farm

March, 2016 archive

Dis Coarse Discourse, Reprise 0

President Obama has a point when he calls out the press for contributing to the tone of the current presidential campaign.

For example.


The Sneering Economy 0


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Storm clouds on the horizon . . . .


Droning On 0

The stupid. It burns.

H/T to my brother for the story.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

A newspaper editor who has spent two and a half decades covering the Clintons delivers her judgement on the Hillary Clinton scamdals. A snippet; follow the link for the full story:

I would be “dead rich”, to adapt an infamous Clinton phrase, if I could bill for all the hours I’ve spent covering just about every “scandal” that has enveloped the Clintons. As an editor I’ve launched investigations into her business dealings, her fundraising, her foundation and her marriage. As a reporter my stories stretch back to Whitewater. I’m not a favorite in Hillaryland. That makes what I want to say next surprising.

Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.

Remember that Republicans have spent 25 years lobbing made-up dirt at the Clintons.

When you find yourself thinking, “Hillary Clinton can’t be trusted,” ask yourself, are you basing your statement on facts or on what Republicans said?


Making a Hash of Things 0

El Reg tries to explain encryption in layman’s terms.

If you want a better understanding of the FBI-Apple kerfuffle, follow the link.



Napoleon Bonaparte:

Skepticism is a virtue in history as well as in philosophy.


Stray Question 0

If you built a grain elevator shaped like Aphrodite, could you call it “Venus de Silo”?


Drug Wars and Mongers of Drug Wars 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

In the midst of a longer column about North Carolina’s recent codification of discrimination against members of the LGBT community, Alfred Doblin recounts a conversation he recently had with a reader.

The reader also was very upset with the Black Lives Matter movement. “Didn’t I know that all lives matter and that black people were always well treated in America?” she asked. I countered with a reminder of slavery, and she responded that blacks were happy living on plantations, cooking and planting. “It was in ‘Gone With the Wind.'”

I explained the book was fiction. She would have none of it. Then I realized she was not unique. That is why Republican candidates preaching hate and division are doing so well. For many Republicans, tea is a drink best served hot.

There can be no reasoning with someone who accepts fiction as fact.

I have nothing to add.


Misty Water-Colored Memories . . . 0

Dick Polman waxes nostalgic:

Can you imagine President Gerald Ford and challenger Ronald Reagan talking like that in 1976, as they battled all the way to the GOP convention? Reagan: “I could tell ya things about Jerky Jerry’s wife Betty, like what a lush she is, but I don’t wanna talk about it.” Ford: “I got the hotter wife because Nancy the B-movie actress is a cold fish.”

Much more at the link.


Absolute Power . . . 0

. . . does exactly what it is reputed to do.


Facebook Frolics 0

Facebook jail.


Quandary 0

Alex Steed wonders how to tell his daughter about the facts of Trump. A snippet:

It’s hard to describe Trump to a child, especially considering that a key part of getting kids ready for the world is teaching them to act with dignity and respect. Meanwhile, this guy has suggested that all women are gold diggers and on at least one occasion implied he’s sexually attracted to his daughter. It’s hard to make the case to a child that virtue is worth all that much if someone so committed to being without it is the front-runner for his party’s presidential nomination.


How Stuff Works, Always Connected Dept. 0

Henry Hippo is on a date.  He keeps checking his phone for Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.  Finally he gets a text from his date, Elly Elephant.  The text says,

Click to see the image at its original location.

I see Henry and Elly whenever I go out for a meal. Persons sitting at a table, ignoring real each others while deep in their digital ephemera.

We are a society of stupid.


Beating the Odds 0

The lottery is a mug’s game. Meet some mugs.

Six people have been charged with exploiting a bug in lottery terminals to print off winning tickets on demand.

Connecticut prosecutors say the group conspired to manipulate automated ticket dispensers to run off “5 Card Cash” tickets that granted on-the-spot payouts in the US state.



Henry Steele Commager:

For a people to be without History, or to be ignorant of its history, is as for a man to be without memory — condemned forever to make the same discoveries that have been made in the past, invent the same techniques, wrestle with the same problems, commit the same errors; and condemned, too, to forfeit the rich pleasures of recollection.


Great Moments in Proofreading 0

From today’s local rag:

Scan of wedding announcement stating that someone "severed as best man.:"

Read more »


Minimum Rage 0

Plutocrat carrying sign saying,

Via Juanita Jean.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

One element that seems to be missing in discussions about the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is this: Supporting Bernie Sanders does not ipso facto mean repudiating Hillary Clinton. I suspect that the great majority of caucus- and primary-participating Democrats could vote quite happily for either one in November.

The “repudiate Hillary” meme seems stronger amongst Sanders supporters, but is not, in my opinion, indicative of any quality unique to them or their candidate. Rather, I think it’s reflective of his position as a long-shot underdog.

Supporters of long-shot underdogs tend to see themselves as crusaders. They are more likely to “crusade” than to “campaign,” and “crusading” tends to excess.

From Pine View Farm
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