From Pine View Farm

March, 2016 archive

The Capitulation 0

ISIS fighter:  Our goal is to create so much fear and panic that it disrupts Democracy.  Images of Trump and Cruz spouting anti-Muslim rhetoric.  ISIS fighter says,

Via Job’s Anger.


That Big Bad Scary Idea 0

Martina Essert marvels at the intellectual cowardice that results in banning literary classics from schools, such as, I kid you not, Orwell’s Animal Farm, because, to quote a bit from Ms. Essert,

Students who pore over George Orwell’s “1984,” a book that portrays a future where every citizen is constantly monitored and told what to do and think, will not read “Animal Farm” by the same author because that absurdist book, which is about about talking animals who overtake the farm where they live, is said to be too disturbing for students. “Animal Farm” is also on the Library of Congress’ list of “Books that shaped America”; “1984” is not on this list.

I got a dollar to a doughnut that many of those who would ban Animal Farm see nothing wrong with the NRA’s idea that Hansel and Gretel should pack heat.

We are a society of stupid.

Full Disclosure:

I have read Animal Farm, but have not read 1984. I did read Brave New World and that was quite enough dystopia for me, thank you very much.


Everybody Must Get Fracked, ALEC Takes the Initiative Dept. 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness takes practice.

Around 11:15 a.m. Saturday, an 18-year-old man was found suffering from a single gunshot wound after reports of a possible shooting. . . .

Authorities are saying that at this point in their investigation it seems like the victim was struck by accident by someone target shooting in the area.


Dr. Manderstein’s Monster 0

Caption:  GOP opposes redistricting at the Supreme Court.  Image:  May with grossly distorted and disproportionate arms and legs

Click to see the original image.



James Reston:

Wealth is conspicuous, but poverty hides.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


Plus Ca Change 0

Bruce Lowry has seen it before:

Go on the Internet. Go back and look at photographs or the black and white video footage of Wallace railing away, say, in 1963. Look at the expressions of awe, adoration and anger on white people’s faces, how they hang on nearly every nasty word he’s spewing.

Then go back and look at the expressions on some of the faces — almost all of them white — at a Donald Trump rally today.

You don’t need me to point out the eerie similarities, and, God help us, they are all too real.

He’s quite correct, you know.

Follow the link for the rest.


Shirred Eggs 2

shirred eggs on plateThis is a little breakfast recipe that’s elegant in its simplicity. It’s my spin on a recipe from the Nero Wolf Cookbook.


  • 2 link sausages
  • 2 eggs
  • butter
  • spices (salt, pepper, paprika, tarragon, chives to taste)


1, Brown sausages in skillet, then drain on a paper towel.

2. Generously butter a shirred egg dish (I use a six-inch cast iron skillet inherited from my mother).

3. Sprinkle with pepper and other spices of choice.

4. Bake 15 minutes in oven preheated to 350 Fahrenheits.

5. Gently slide out of baking dish and serve.

Serves one.

Serving Suggestion:

Serve over cheese toast, that is, toast topped with melted cheese.


Susie Sampson’s Spousal Summary 0


Shrinking Violence 0

Noz suggests that ISIS is not living up to its press releases.


Facebook Frolics 0

Research says, “Don’t go there.


North Carolina: Variety Vacationland No Variety Allowed 0


Oxymoron of the Day 0

Republican family values.



Samuel Smiles:

He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.


And Now, a Musical Interlude 0


Birds and Bees* 0

Meet the old white men who just don’t get the “facts of life.”

Honest to Betsy, you can’t make this stuff up. (And Betsy was just as aghast as I. She told me so.)


*Put me out of my misery here. What the hell do “birds and bees” have to do with it, anyway? Do birds do it with bees?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Desperate Measures 0

Two dejected looking couples at dinner.  One of wives says,

Image via Balloon Juice.


Cowboy Cosplay 0

Balloon Juice provides the service of keeping us up-to-date on the Bundy Bund.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 1

Politeness will give you a leg up in this world. Or something.

A 32-year-old Walton County man didn’t break any laws Saturday when he shot his lawn mower filled with an explosive, but he did lose his leg below the knee, the sheriff’s office said.

About 3:50 p.m., David Presley of Monroe shot an old lawn mower loaded with three pounds of Tannerite, according to the Walton County Sheriff’s Office. The lawn mower exploded.

Bet he takes up drones for his next hobby.

From Pine View Farm
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