April, 2016 archive
And Now for Something Completely Different 0
I found this to have a kind of weird fascination, or fascinating weirdness, or something.
The Snaring Economy 0
Zandar looks at AirBnB and finds that not all “sharing” is equal–or equitable. A snippet:
“I’m not staying in her home, it’s probably dirty” or “I don’t feel comfortable letting them stay here” happens a lot more than people will ever admit.
The larger problem is the tech world’s idiotic insistence that the internet makes race invisible or irrelevant, when clearly the opposite is true. And that’s because the flawed business models are nearly all invented by white techbros who have never had to think a day in their lives about their privilege.
“Game of Twilight Zones” 0
Daniel Ruth tries to understand the strange alliance between Ted Cruz and John Kasich. A snippet:
Isn’t this a bit like Albania and Burkina Faso plotting to forge a strategic alliance to run away in the delusional belief they’ll be able to thwart the Game of Thrones’ Ramsay Bolton’s perverse lust for power in Westeros?
The Pervy Party’s Preposterous Preoccupation with Potties 0
The Charlotte Observer talks to a transgender man about life under the reign of the Tarheel Potty Patrol.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to your luncheon companions.
“The Dismal Science” 0
Harry Shearer interviews economist James Galbraith. Follow the link to listen; you’ll be smarter for it (the interview starts at about the 14 minute mark).
Chartering a Course for Disaster 0
At Cleveland.com, Brent Larkin acerbically dissects the lastest outbreak of the privatization scam in Ohio. A snippet:
The amount of money taxpayers send to online charter schools depends on how many students attend those schools.
However, charter operators have a history of submitting notoriously inaccurate attendance numbers. If you wonder why that is, reread the previous paragraph.
Responsible Fiscals 0
You can’t make this stuff up. (Actually, these days, you could, but you don’t have to.)
Feel the Draft 0
Somewhere, I still have my draft card.
Headline of the Day 0
Police apologize for raiding wrong house in Southwest Philadelphia
At least they apologized, and at least no one was killed. This time.