Dis Coarse Discourse, Pivotal Moments Dept., Reprise 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Jonathan D. Moreno offers his take on why the Trump “pivot,” so eagerly awaited by the press and, no doubt, the Republican Party, just ain’t a-gonna happen. A snippet:
Donald Trump can no more change his public character than Woody Allen can change his. Like many actors Trump has created a persona that he created and from which he seems unable to escape. Trump has become “Trump,” a caustic, macho bully who never loses, regardless of the cost. Even the presidency.
No matter what kind of role he is in—builder, salesman, TV host, politician—he is always “Trump.” The character works well as long as it works. But when it doesn’t the actor gets stuck, as appears to have happened now. Adaptation seems to be beyond his imagination. Where there was once creativity there is now insufficient spontaneity.