From Pine View Farm

Droning On 0

It looks as if we nay not have robotic radio-controlled delivery after all.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Amazon to start delivering Prime orders by drone.

New rules for commercial use of drones under 55 pounds were finalized by the Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday, and things don’t look good for Amazon’s planned drone deliveries.

Under the new regulations, drones have to stay within unaided sight (read: no binoculars or the like) of the pilot or an observer, even if the drone has cameras.

The FAA got this one right.

Too many members of the Geekosphere suffer from arrested development: They think like teenaged boys. “Because you can” is an insufficient reason in and of itself for doing something, especially something as stupid as filling our airspace with robots with rotating blades.


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From Pine View Farm
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