From Pine View Farm

Class Acts 0

Nancy Isenberg examines three myths about class in America, myths that permeate and distort what passes as “political commentary” in the corporate media. Here’s one (emphasis in the original):

The working class is white and male

Trump is often credited with engaging the working class. He “won with the working class voters the GOP forgot,” blared one Breitbart column. Meanwhile, “Hillary is losing white working Joes,” proclaimed the Toronto Star. Even Sanders argued that Democrats had allowed Republicans “to capture the votes of the majority of working people in this country.”

Of course, that’s true only if you ignore Asians, Latinos and African Americans. “Factor them into the population of ‘working people,’ ” Slate’s Jamelle Bouie writes, “and Democrats win that group, handily.”

Follow the link for the others.


Do not think too hard about the knee-jerk automatic exclusion of Not White persons from the “working class.” Doing so will lead to depressing realizations about the punditocracy, its vision of society, and its inability to look about itself and see who’s doing the “work.”


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From Pine View Farm
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