From Pine View Farm

How Stuff Works, White Supremacy Dept. 0

Solomon Jones lays it out. A snippet:

America’s wealthiest have always sowed discord among the working class. By playing upon ethnic and racial divisions, the super rich – from George Washington to Donald Trump – have divided working class Americans. From indentured servitude and slavery, to unemployment and poverty, we have seen America’s wealthiest pick winners and losers among us.

Then, after doing so, the rich have routinely stood by as America’s working poor fought to protect their place in the pecking order.

That’s where hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan come from: The false belief that whiteness cancels out the reality of poverty. That whiteness makes one superior to a black person who is better educated and economically thriving. That embracing the notion of whiteness can turn back the clock to a time when one’s advancement was based on the color of one’s skin.

Do read the rest. He lays out the con quite nicely.

In a tangent thereunto, this morning before I got up, I was thinking about the long game: what happens if the United States chooses to violate its oft-stated, nay, ballyhooed position as a refuge for the poor, the tired, and you know the rest, its commitment to the rights of others and to expel immigrants and anyone else with brown skins?

“Why!” I realized, “they have to leave lots of stuff behind.” Whatever else the anti-immigrant movement is, it is most certainly a con so that haters can steal stuff.


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From Pine View Farm
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