From Pine View Farm

2016 archive


Franklin Pierce Adams:

Christmas is over and Business is Business.


Excess 0


Happiness 0

Our next number is dedicated to Donald, Bill-O, and all the boys and girls at Fox News.


Joy 0


Cheer 0


Cheer 0


Joy 0


Stray Thought 0

I was tempted not to do my usual Christmas posts, but then I realized that, if there is true spirit of Christmas that transcends sect and creed, it is this:

Keep the faith. baby, even especially in the darkness.



E. B. White:

To perceive Christmas through its wrapping becomes more difficult with every year.



A Palate Cleanser for Christmas 0


Snowed 0

I have always preferred the movie Holiday Inn to White Christmas.

Maybe it’s just because Holiday Inn, for all that it is a piece of fluff, was a far better movie. Or maybe there’s a deeper psychological reason.


Twits on Twitter (Updated) 0

What Noz said.

Addendum, Later That Same Afternoon:

Dick Polman has more. A snippet:

He (Trump–ed.) merely sees nukes as his newest toys. Beauty queens, reality show contestants, nukes … it’s all grist for his sandbox.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

‘Twas the polite before Christmas . . . .

A man with a gunshot wound to his leg was treated at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg in Bethlehem and then transfered to LVH-Cedar Crest. Whitehall police said the man accidentally shot himself and that his injury was not life-threatening.


The Spirit of the Season 0

Rat:  I think that instead of exchanging gifts this year, we should contribute to a charity of somebody else's choosing.  Goat:  Great, I'll pick the Red Cross.  Rat:  And I'll pick the Help Rat Raise $85,000 for a luxury sedan.  Goat:  This is why we don't do this.  Rat:  100% of the proceeds go to making Rat more comfortable.

Click to see the image at its original location.


Feeling “Aggrieved” Does Not Earn a Star for Self-Esteem 0

Helen Ubinas has had enough of the Magical Empathy Tour. She notes that, even if one feels “aggrieved,” that does not give one an excuse for evil. A snippet:

I am done with the empathy tour.

Done sitting with Trump supporters as they parrot the lies his victory was built on.

Done standing among the crowds for Trump’s “thank you” tour as they insist theirs is not a campaign of xenophobia and divisiveness, while rabidly chanting, “Build the wall!”

Done fielding the hateful, racist, and misogynistic phone calls and emails and comments, which they argue are absolutely not hateful or racist or misogynistic.

More at the link.


The Carolina Coup d’Etat, Evaluation 0

Failing the test:

In the just released EIP (Electoral Integrity Project–ed.) report, North Carolina’s overall electoral integrity score of 58/100 for the 2016 election places us alongside authoritarian states and pseudo-democracies like Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone. If it were a nation state, North Carolina would rank right in the middle of the global league table – a deeply flawed, partly free democracy that is only slightly ahead of the failed democracies that constitute much of the developing world.

Indeed, North Carolina does so poorly on the measures of legal framework and voter registration, that on those indicators we rank alongside Iran and Venezuela. When it comes to the integrity of the voting district boundaries no country has ever received as low a score as the 7/100 North Carolina received. North Carolina is not only the worst state in the USA for unfair districting but the worst entity in the world ever analyzed by the Electoral Integrity Project.

Today’s Republican Party is a vile and loathsome thing.

Cthulu would quail at the sight of it.



Barack Obama:

Ultimately, this is about all of us. We are not asked to perform the heroism of 15-year-old Zaevion Dobson from Tennessee, who was killed before Christmas while shielding his friends from gunfire. … But we must find the courage and the will to mobilize, organize and do what a strong, sensible country does in response to a crisis like this one.


Mackerel Sky 0

Mackerel Sky

Click for a larger image.


Conglomeration 0

White House dwarfed by sign saying

Via Job’s Anger.


Dumb and Dumber 0
