January, 2017 archive
Listeners 0
We invite these gadgets into our homes without a thought to the implications.
Here’s another lawyer’s opinion (more at the link):
You know what the Echo is not? Your wife. I don’t care how sexy the Echo voice is, you have no marital privilege with it. Your expectation of privacy when telling Echo to unlock the murder room should be no more than your expectation of privacy when writing down “I’ma kill that fool” in your diary.
Twits on Twitter 0
Columnist Bob Franken marvels at the bully’s pulpit. A snippet:
A Day at the Museum 0
Cordell Faulk visits the Smithsonian’s new National Museum of African American History and Culture. A snippet (follow the link for the rest):
Right there, in all their blunt starkness — above chains used for adults — was a set of shackles used to restrain children during the passage from Africa to the New World. They were just very, very small — unspeakably small. . . .
One more time: When you hear persons lament the “Lost Cause,” ask them this: “What, precisely, was the Cause that was Lost?”
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness comes out of the closet.
The victim was standing about 5 feet away and the bullet grazed her head, according to police.
The stupid. It burns.
Unfiltered, Unrefined 0
In the Portland Press-Herald, Chet Lunner discusses the difference between “news” and “fake news” (AKA lies). A snippet:
Here’s how information via Twitter reaches its audience. Somebody types it into their smartphone and hits a button.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Honest to Pete, you can’t make this stuff up.