From Pine View Farm

February, 2017 archive

Town Halls of Horrors 0

At another internet place I frequent, a discussion of Republican Congresspersons’ town halls has been going on the past few days. Someone from another country known for its cheese and roast beef requested clarification. I like my response so much that I will share it. You can follow this link for the full discussion.

    This should give you plenty of reading material.

    The short version is that it’s a relatively recent tradition that US Congresscritters during extended recesses hold open meetings for constituents. These are commonly referred to as “town halls,” though they are not town halls in any sense related to municipal governance.

    During the February recess (which can be recognized by the fact that Congresscritters are doing nothing in their districts, as opposed to doing nothing in Washington, D. C.), these meetings have not been going well for some Congresscritters, particularly those who have committed to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Some have ducked out of, restricted attendance to, or canceled these meetings because they do not want to converse with or be confronted by constituents opposed to their points of view.

    In the US, this is referred to as “representative government.”


An Annointment with Destiny 0

Garrison Keillor explains.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Suffer the children.

Yet another sacrifice to the NRA’s portable penis.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


Trumpling Up with the Joneses 0

Via C&L.


Twits on Twitter 0

Bernfire of the vanities.



Logan Pearsall Smith:

How it infuriates a bigot, when he is forced to drag out his dark convictions!


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


The hold music from my hosting provider, which I seldom had to listen to for more than three or four minutes, included “Down by the Riverside.”

When I heard it, all I could think of was

When you go to the delicatessen store,
don’t buy the liverwurst!

Speaking of liverwurst, one of my favorite sandwiches is liverwurst with onions and mustard on a kaiser roll. I used to get them at my local Wawa in Delaware.

You can’t get one at Wawa in these parts. As a native Virginian, I am disappointed that Virginians don’t seem to understand sandwiches.

Nevertheless, I do know where to get a proper cheesesteak.


The Night Stalkers 0

Republican elephant cowers in bed as its mommy says,

Via Balloon Juice.


The Great Trumpling 0

Image One: The Bowling Green Massacre  (nothing in frame).  Image Two, The Sweden Massacre (nothing in frame).  Image Three, the Trump Massacre (frame contains tombstones of truth, logic, civility, dignity).

Via Jaunita Jean.


Round-Up 0

Badtux reads the news so I don’t have to.

Also, too.


Gun Amok 0


The Dearly Deported 0

Man and woman watching television as Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses
Oh, Forget It, Reprise

The Des Moines Register’s Rekha Basu is disheartened at the Trumpling of immigrants and refugees. Here’s a snippet from her column:

I’m not Muslim or from one of the affected countries, and I’m now a U.S. citizen. But emotionally, the actions shake me to my core. I share much with my Muslim counterparts in Pakistan and Bangladesh. We were all once from the same country, and our people still speak the same languages, eat the same foods and dress the same way. I have as much to do with terrorism as any Muslims being turned away at the airports. And tomorrow the targets could be India’s Sikhs, the religion of my mother.

Do please read the rest.


Plus Ca Change 0

Dick Polman has seen it all before.



Elizabeth I Regina:

Brass shines as fair to the ignorant as gold to the goldsmiths.


No Place To Hide 0

More news from the IoT (that’s “Internet of Targets,” per Tom Lawrence).


Twits on Twitter 0

Twitpocalyse now.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 2

As ye proceed through thy day,
Scatter politeness along thy way.

Read more »


It All Comes Out in the Wash 0

Truth cannot survive the Reince cycle.


The “Celeb Cycle” 0

Title:  Instant Celeb Media Curve.  Image:  Over a span of 15 minutes, Milo Yiannapoulus goes from

From Pine View Farm
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