From Pine View Farm

April, 2017 archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Cassandram looks back on Donald Trump’s first 100 days in a post aptly–and distressingly–entitled 100 Days of White Supremacy.

Read it.

Then weep.


The Reince Cycle 0

Shorter Josh Marshall: Trump wants to tell America, “Oh, shut up already.”

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


Lessons 0

In the Portland Press-Herald, Cynthia Dill looks back on Trump’s first 100 days and tries to find some learning. Here’s one less she drew; follow the link for the rest.

Fake news makes real money. When Trump speaks of the “failing” New York Times, he’s talking about a company that has seen “a net increase of approximately 132,000 paid subscriptions to our news products,” Times CEO Mark Thompson told CNBC, representing a dramatic rate of growth over the same period one year ago. Stock prices at public media companies like the Times have soared since Trump has become president. The S&P 500 media index gained 9.4 percent in the first quarter, led by high-profile Viacom, up 32.8 percent, 21st Century Fox, up 15.5 percent and Disney, up 8.8 percent. And left-leaning Rachel Maddow is beating Fox News in Nielson ratings.


Doing the Wingnut Hustle 0


The First Amendment right to free speech protects speech. Despite this argument, it neither mandates someone else to guarantee a platform nor requires anyone else to listen.


If You Thought Vincent Price Was Scary in The Tickler, You Will Run Screaming from
The Trickler

Trump lounging at Mar-a-Largo.  Aid asks,

Click to see the image at its original location.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind.

Witnesses told officers two people were handling a shotgun when it went off, hitting the 20-year-old in the face, according to Elliot.

More guns would certainly have prevented this. Just ask the NRA.

Also, pigs, wings.


Bracket Racket 0

Donald Trump in front of his proposed tax brackets saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


Twits on Twitter 0

Trigger-happy twits.



Horace Greeley:

The darkest hour in any man’s life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Resegregating in Alabama.

This should not surprise you.

This is the United States of America. Everything eventually wends its way back to race.

Also, too.


Foundering Foundations 0

Der Spiegel takes a look at Donald Trump’s first 100 days. It is not only not impressed; it is alarmed. Here’s a bit:

The president’s anger with people who contradict him and institutions that stand in his way does not fade with time. On the contrary, the more resistance Trump is faced with, the harder he fights and the more deeply he believes that he is right. But in a democracy, it is necessary to establish alliances and build coalitions. The president, too, must defer to these constraints: He is reliant on Congress, his power over the states is limited and judges are independent.

Democracy lives from the ability to forge compromise, but that is a skill that Trump appears not to possess. As such, his first 100 days in office can be interpreted as an attack on the foundations of American democracy.

Do read the rest.


The Do-Over 0

God looks down from Heaven as Earth explodes in violence and says,

Click for the original image.


The Uncomfortable Truth 0

What Noz said.


Trumponomics 0

Pyramid stack of 55 champagne glasses next to empty bottle labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is the foundation of family.

Officers were called to a home between Rudisill Boulevard and Baxter Street at 11:50 a.m. The men were handling a gun when it went off.

The father was taken to a hospital in critical condition but later died, police said.

Just another day in NRA Paradise.



John Wesley:

Think not the bigotry of another is any excuse for your own.


Palate Cleanser 0


Required Reading 0

Read the transcript of the Associated Press’s interview of Donald Trump.

Words will fail you.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

(The problem that kept anything below this post from appearing has been fixed. Youtube has been mucking about with the formatting of their embed codes. Their antics are most annoying.)


GOP Meals on Wheels 0

Plutcrats sitting around a table as Donald Trump wheels in a serving cart labeled

Via Juanita Jean.

From Pine View Farm
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