From Pine View Farm

June, 2017 archive

The Trojan Hearse 0

In The Des Moines Register, Reka Basu skewers the duplicity of Trumpcare. A snippet:

The really outlandish part of the Senate proposal is that the money saved from cutting federal spending on health care would go to cutting taxes to households making $875,000 or more by 2 percent, according to the analysis by the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution’s Tax Policy Center. The lowest-income 20 percent would see a 1 percent cut in taxes and the middle income, less than half a percent.

If curtailing health-care access for many Americans to fatten the rich is what lawmakers want, they should say so. But that would cost them votes.


Press Gaggle Goggle 0

Image:  Persons passing out VR goggles to crowd.  Caption:  Latest White House press briefing innovation, the distribution of virtual reality goggles.

Click to see the image at its original location.


Ryan’s Derp 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is child’s play.

A 9-year-old Indianapolis boy was killed when a gun he and his friend were playing with discharged, police said Tuesday.

Police said the boy, identified by the Marion County coroner’s office as Mykah Jackson, and his friend found the unsecured gun Monday night at an apartment complex on the city’s north side and were playing with it when it accidentally fired, striking the boy in the face.

Thus passeth another day in the NRA’s Paradise of a Plethora Portable Penises.


Loaded 0

Frame One:  Three persons say,

Via Job’s Anger.



Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.:

As you begin your tour of the United States, you may as well know that one American national trait which irritates many Americans and must be convenient for our critics is that we relentlessly advertise our imperfections.


Before Kenny Rogers Went Country, He Rocked 0


Misdirection Play, Bear that Walks like a Man Dept. 0

(Sometime in the future) White House aide:  Sir, you been impeached for involvement in Russian election meddling.  Trump:  This wouldn't have happened if Obama had done something about Russia.

Click for the original image.

Words fail me.


The Don’t Care Bill 0


Stray Question 0

What bright light decided that mattresses didn’t need to have handles? (He asked after flipping a queen-sized mattress.)


A Trap, Not a Trade 0

In The Roanoke Times, Ginger Daken reminds us that, despite what Republicans would have you believe (remember Reagan’s “welfare queen“), poverty is not a career choice.


Immunity Impunity 0

Elie Mystal comments on the Supreme Court’s refusal to review law enforcement’s license to kill.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

Get out of Jail free card

What Atrios said.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Practice makes polite.

Sig Sauer Academy’s firing ranges facing Route 101 have been shut down after a state police investigation found that bullets were falling onto the highway.

State police announced the range closure Monday following an investigation that began in April when Kristen Burke of Hampton reported that a bullet had struck her windshield while she was traveling westbound between Exits 7 and 8.



Ursula K. Le Guin:

Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not.


And Now, a Musical Interlude 0


Heh 0

Ken Hamm’s Creationist Museum is on the rocks not performing as expected in filling Mr. Hamm’s wallet.

One wonders whether Mr. Hamm has considered that this may be God’s will.


Just Deserts 0

Shorter Dick Meyer: America, you asked for it. Now you got it.


Science Juice 0

We are a society of stupid.

Video via Raw Story.


Full Coverage 0

Frame One:  Plutocrat holding Senate Health Care Bill, as money streams down on him from the Republican tax cuts, yells,

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.

From Pine View Farm
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