From Pine View Farm

Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche 0

They eat egg pie.

Picture of egg pie

I sort of followed this recipe, except for sauteing up some red pepper, celery, and red onion and using country ham instead of bacon and omitting the Parmesan cheese and not bothering to measure anything except for the half-and-half.


There is a quite excellent little restaurant in these parts that does indeed offer “egg pie” on the menu. It’s quiche in disguise.

They throw a great breakfast. If you are in these parts, give them a visit.

As regards measuring, the marvelous “Cajun Comic” Justin Wilson once did a cooking show. He would pour herbs and spices into his hand while saying “[some quantity] [some spice],’ then pour them into a measuring device, which showed that the quantity was accurate.

After a while, one knows what a teaspoon of something or other looks like.


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From Pine View Farm
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