From Pine View Farm

Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Rat tge airline gate agent makes and announcement:  Folks, I'm getting a lot of questions about baggage policy, in-flight meals, and wifi, so I'm gonna try to answer everybody's questions at once.  In each of these situations, there is one option that makes your flight more pleasant.  We will never choose that option.  Rat talking to official:  It's nice to give the cattle some clarity.

Click to see the image at its original location.

I used to travel for work. I was stepping on airplanes two or three times a month to fly all around the USA to marvelous sites such as Fargo, North Dakota, and Monroe, Louisiana (no offense to the persons in those cities; I was always treated with hospitality, but the getting there . . . .). If I never step on another US airline, it will be too soon.


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From Pine View Farm
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