From Pine View Farm

October, 2017 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 2

The hunt for politeness progresses.

A woman has been killed in a hunting accident on the first day of deer season in Maine.

Karen Wrentzel, 34, was shot dead around 10.30am on Saturday morning in a heavily wooded area near Hebron, Maine, in the first hunting fatality the state has seen in four years.

Family members said that Wrentzel was on her own property digging for rocks and gems when the incident occurred.

The story goes on to say that the property was not “posted” and that she wasn’t wearing “blaze orange.” It implies (unitentionally, I believe) that it was her own damn fault for looking like a furry severeal-hundred-pound four-legged animal in the eyes of the shooter, who is held to a lower standard because he has a hunting license.


Twits on Twitter 0

Stone cold twits.



Brian Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun, remarks on the timidity and perfidy of those few Republicans who have dared protest the Trumpling of the Republican Party. He speaks directly of Senators Flack and Corker A nugget:

To avoid the messy losses come Election Day — it is called being primaried from the far right — these “moderate Republicans” are opting out. They are leaving the field of political battle and the unhealthy discourse to others.

OK, that would be fine I suppose in another world. But in Trump’s world, when the people who profess a modicum of sanity are forced out of the asylum, that leaves the certifiable ones in charge.

Do please read the rest.


Hat Trick 0


Unholy Matrimony 0

Donald Trump as hustband wearing a Click for the original image.


Trumpling the EPA 0

Two men in EPA uniforms removing

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.



Fyodor Dostoevsky:

There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it.


“What Does This Thing Do?” 0

Cat investigating printer


The New Death Camps 0

Der Spiegel reads a recent UN report about the Unlawful Death of Refugees and Migrants and reacts with an editorial. A snippet:

Agnes Callamard, UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, and Arbitrary Executions, presented animportant new report to the UN General Assembly on Friday. The report is on “Unlawful Death of Refugees and Migrants” — already an unordinary focus for her mandate. In recent years, her office has focused nearly exclusively on counter-terrorism, particularly on deaths by drone attacks.

As she explains, the report concerns “an international crime whose very banality in the eyes of so many makes its tragedy particularly grave and disturbing.” The contention is rather dramatic, and we believe that it is indeed historic, at least as far as reports by UN bodies are concerned.

Follow the link for the rest of the article.

Watch the press conference introducing the report.

Read the report (PDF).


“Because You Can . . . .” Is Not in and of Itself a Reason To Do Something* 0

Using the Amazon Key as a starting point, Christine Emba muses on what passes for innovation (specifically, commercial consumer innovation) in the tech world.

The thought processes of Silicon Valley innovators are a curious thing. Many observers have noted that the most common proposals seem to fall into the category of “things that I, a 25-year-old man, wish that I could still get my mother to do for me.”

Follow the link to see why she says that.

One small quibble: Amazon is not located in Silicon Valley.

(I wouldn’t get one on a bet.)


*Unless, of course, you are a 15-year-old boy.


Wedded Bliss Business Deals 0

The Wedding Industrial Complex continues to grow, sort of like a bunion on the culture’s feet. Now, couples not content with simple ceremonies are prostituting their nuptials as marketing opportunities for corporate sponsors. Here’s a nugget from the story in the Inky”

Still, given the ballooning size of the average wedding budget — now exceeding $35,000, according to a survey by The Knot — sponsorship has its appeal. A Maryland couple that fell in love at IKEA got the furniture chain to throw them an in-store wedding in 2012. In 2006, a couple persuaded the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team to host a postgame ceremony on the field, with backing from and Entenmann’s, among others.


Suffer the Children 0

It’s not scripture. It’s policy.


The Pusher Men 0

Pharmacist standing under

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The struggle for politeness persists.

Meanwhile, investigators conducted an interview of Derick Shelton, father of the victim, along with his 13-year-old son, whose name is not being released due to his status as a minor. Through those interviews, investigators learned that Shelton had left the residence for a brief moment, and during that time his two sons wrestled with a rifle Shelton kept inside the residence.

While wrestling with the rifle, the weapon discharged, and the younger Shelton was shot in the neck by his brother.


When did “Keep guns loaded when they are not in use” become a thing?


In Case You Wondered . . . . 0

Graphic:  Today, a Black Congresswoman is receiving death threats and a Black widow was called a liar by Trump.  And people wonder why they kneel.

Via PoliticalProf.



Neil Gaiman:

The imagination is a muscle. If it is not exercised, it atrophies.


Unable to Look Away . . . . 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Steven Schlozman likens what’s happening in Washington to the plot of a horror movie, with one teeny-tiny difference:

At the end of the day, we like horror stories because they’re fiction. A good scary movie allows us to think about what we might do in less outlandish but similar scenarios.

What’s happening in Washington is real, though.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Twits on Twitter 0

Banned twits.


What’s that old saying about the horse and the barn door?


Political Circus 0

Donald Trump as ringmaster to GOP Elephant tottering on a stand:  You knew what you signed up for, didn't you?

Via Juanita Jean.


Empty Gestures 0

Seth points out that retreating from the fray does not change the fray.

Dick Polman provides a contrast.

Read more »

From Pine View Farm
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