Firefox 57 First Look 0
Firefox 57 came in an upgrade to Slackware –Current today. I have not tested it extensively, but here are my first impressions.
I did not put a stopwatch on it, but it is indeed noticeably, even significantly faster.
It left my privacy settings intact (such as no third party cookies, delete history on exit). It also left my preferred search engine (Startpage) still set as default.
It did not touch my bookmarks or any of the appearance themes I’ve installed.
It did break my extensions, but there are already a number of compatible extensions available. I found substitutes for what I consider my most important plugins (classic NoScript and speed dial). I’m still looking for a proper user agent changer plugin. If classic NoScript becomes available for it, I’ll probably go back to that.
It came with an activated “Gnome Shell Integration” plugin, which I turned off.
It also synced, following my existing sync settings. (That’s I how ended up with two script blockers on Firefox 52 on the laptop–I disabled classic NoScript and went with the new one).
So far v. 57 looks like a nice piece of work.