November, 2017 archive
Promises, Promises 0
Jay Bookman thinks that Republicans have got it backwards. A snippet:
I think it’s even more basic than that: Their current political problems are caused by the fact that their promises suck . . . .
Follow the link for his reasoning.
“Gimme That Roy Moore Religion” 0
Tony Norman tries to figure out Judge Roy Moore’s* religious creed.
Read it; I tried to pick a snippet, but it defied snippage.
*It seems “Judge” is his adopted first name.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The hunt for politeness goes on.
Whatever happened to “unload your weapon white transporting it”?
The Court Is in Sessions 0
Dick Polman looks down the Sessions memory hole.
A Cavalcade of Trumpery 0
Will Bunch steps back and looks at the big picture.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite at the dining table.
Smith, a retired S.C. Probation and Parole officer, had a gun stored in her purse without a holster, and when she moved the purse, the gun went off, injuring herself and Jacqueline Duchene, 48, of Goose Creek. Duchene was shot in the leg.