From Pine View Farm

December, 2017 archive

Flagging Interests 0

In The Roanoke Times, retired professor George McDowell discusses the dispute over the display of the Confederate Battle Ensign and monuments to the supporters of slavery and secession and does so with reasoned words. A snippet:

Some people ask, “who cares?” about the removal of the monuments glorifying heroes of the Confederacy. The answer to that is very clear, mostly it is African-Americans, but it is also many white Americans as well. But the answer to “who cares” is really this: if it is all right for people to object to the removal of the monuments then why is it not also all right for people to object to their presence? The answer to that is then about what the monuments really mean. It is very hard to challenge the notion that they honor the war — and warriors — fought in defense of the practice of slavery. Which in my terms was immoral and evil.


All the News that Fits 0

Mike discusses the Fox News propaganda machine and its campaign against Robert Mueller and the implications thereof (Warning: Language).


One Long-Standing Trivial Question Answered 0

My local rag has an interesting article about how restaurants, lodgings, and service stations are selected to appear on those “services at the next exit” signs along interstate highways.


“I Bring You Good Tidin–Oh, Wait” 0

Frame One:  Christmas Angel saying

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Practice random acts of politeness.

Officials said the driver was traveling on State Route 111, South of Reno in a wooded stretch of road.

A bullet from a high powered rifle entered the passenger cabin and hit the driver in the leg.

Just a bit of collateral damage in the NRA Garden of Eden . . . .


Newspeak, One More Time 0



Allen Sherman:

The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it.

(Link fixed.)


Seasonal 0

Man says to woman as they sit on couch in front of huge Christmas tree with piles of gifts:

Click for the original image.


“Let Them Eat Cake” 0

Gloria Kary.


The Christmas Grift 0

Title:  The Gift of the MAGA.  Image:  Three men on camels labeled

Click for the original image.


Voting Is Not a Right. It Is a Duty. (Updated–Kicked to the Top) 0

Your vote matters, and don’t ever think it doesn’t.

It even matters when you don’t use it, for, in not using it, you empower others through your inaction.

You, who did not vote, are responsible for the Republican kleptocracy. Live with it.

H/T Raw Story for alerting me to this item, though I would have seen it in tomorrow’s local rag when it was delivered on my doorstep because I support my local newspaper and you should too because responsible journalism matters.


If you want it to count for you, you have to use it.


Light Bloggery 0

The weather.

I’m under it.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The hunt for politeness continues.

“Denton initially claimed to us that he shot himself” while they were in a wooded area off Crowningshield Lane in the Town of Elizabethtown, State Police Troop B Public Information Officer Jennifer Fleishman said Wednesday.

“A subsequent investigation revealed Denton and Rolston were illegally hunting deer when Rolston accidentally shot Denton with a 20-gauge shotgun,” the release said.

I grew up with hunters in my family.

Not a one of them would have hunted anything out of season, and not a one of them was stupid enough to shoot a hunting companion.

But that was then, when the NRA was about hunting safety. not about gun sales.



Kevin James:

It’s always cool to meet people who can do things that you have no capacity to do.


The Snaring Economy 0

The EU rules that Uber is gypsy cabs with an app. Uber had tried to argue that it was an app with gypsy cabs.

Uber is a transport services company, the European court of justice (ECJ) has ruled, requiring it to accept stricter regulation and licensing within the EU as a taxi operator.


Uber had denied it was a transport company, arguing instead it was a computer services business with operations that should be subject to an EU directive governing e-commerce and prohibiting restrictions on the establishment of such organisations.


Tit for Tat 0

Jay Bookman offers a theory as to why the Republican Party went all in for the tax deform bill. A snippet:

My conclusion is that they fear their own donors more than they fear the American voter. And that’s a helluva thing. Republican leadership believes that if they reward their donor class with this tax bill, that donor class will return the favor with billions of dollars in campaign cash that can be used to distract, delude and dazzle. To put it bluntly, they are betting their careers and power on the belief that the United States of America is no longer a democratic republic but effectively a plutocracy.

In related news, Robert Reich runs the numbers.


“By Force and Fraud” 0


A Picture Is Worth 0

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fight.  Vader says,

Via Juanita Jean.


“Stand and Deliver” 0

Josh Marshall tries to make sense of the Republican Party’s rush to rape the middle and lower classes with its tax bill. A snippet (emphasis added):

You can see this writ large and small through the passage of this bill. Tax reform in any real sense has as a primary goal – perhaps the primary goal – reducing the ways in which different kinds of income or income that is structured in different ways get taxed at different rates. This bill does the exact opposite. What this means is that the effect of the bill will be an initial period of confusion (when people try to figure out their tax liabilities) followed by a bonanza for those who are the most aggressive and canny about exploiting these complexities for tax avoidance. After the confusion/bonanza cycle plays out you eventually settle down to an economy filled with inefficiencies and distortions which an effective tax regime should attempt to limit and in which the super wealthy benefit more at the expense of everyone else. ‘Reform’ is an inevitably plastic concept. But in any sense of what ‘tax reform’ has ever meant, this is the precise opposite.

The Republican tax deform bill is to the poor and middle class what Harvey Weinstein was to women.


Facebook Frolics 0

Germany suggests the Facebook is being intrusive. I’m shocked, shocked, I say.

The Bundeskartellamt informed the American social media giant on Tuesday of its “preliminary legal assessment” that by forcing third-party websites and apps – including WhatsApp, Instagram and those using embedded Facebook APIs – to share their data with Facebook, it was abusing its position.

“We are mostly concerned about the collection of data outside Facebook’s social network and the merging of this data into a user’s Facebook account,” said Bundeskartellamt president Andreas Mundt.

He noted that this data gathering “even happens when, for example, a user does not press a ‘like button’ but has called up a site into which such a button is embedded.” Visiting a webpage with a Facebook ‘like’ button on it phones homes some info about the netizen to the Mark-Zuckerberg-run business, in other words.
