From Pine View Farm


Rex Stout:

Few of us have enough enough wisdom for justice, or enough leisure for humanity.

Stout, Rex, Too Many Cooks (New York: Pyramid, 1963), p. 43


Too Many Cooks, first published in 1938, is a remarkable book. In leading up to the solution to the mystery (for it is a Nero Wolfe mystery), Rex Stout openly confronted the American racism that was routine at the time–a time that some would bring back. I don’t remember the details of the mystery from the first time I read it, but I remember that most vividly.

If you haven’t figured it out, I’m rereading the Nero Wolfe mysteries, intending to read them all in order or as close to it as I can. Most of them I read in books from my local library 40-50 years ago. Then, I enjoyed the mysteries. Today, having made my living with my pen for my career, I can enjoy both the mysteries and the writing.


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From Pine View Farm
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