March, 2018 archive
Profiteers of Misery 0
Part One.
Part Two:
Brodock is quite correct about doctors’ not knowing how much health care costs. When I told my doctor how much one prescription he gave me cost, he nearly fell off his chair. It was almost 10 times the cost of an equivalent over-the-counter nutritional supplement. He okayed my using the OTC product.
Delta of Venal, Reprise 0
Jay Bookman calls BS on Georgia Republicans and their attempt to punish Delta Airlines by taking away an (unneeded–Delta is quite profitable) tax break. A snippet (emphasis in the original):
(Georgia Lt. Gov.–ed.) Cagle also writes:
“Being a conservative in America today means being ridiculed and belittled by many elements of the news media, Hollywood, and – increasingly – corporations who feel the need to take positions on social issues.”
Cry me a river, snowflake.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is no joke.
Brown allegedly told police he grabbed the gun off of a coffee table and pointed at Crews and did not realize the weapon was loaded, police said.
Brown allegedly pulled the trigger and said he saw the flash from the gun and then realized Crews was shot in the face, police said.
Guns and stupid do seem to seek each other out, do they not?
Jammin’ 0
The one cat is fascinated by the printer (the other cat doesn’t give a damn, but he loves him his grocery bags). Whenever printing is going on, she’s there.
Shortly after this picture was taken, she stepped on the output tray so as to read the output or whatever the heck she thought she was going to do and caused a paper jam.
Walleye Pikers 0
People who live in glass houses . . . .
Three people suffered head injuries, including a middle-aged man who hit his head so hard against a glass window that he was bleeding on his eyebrow and expected to have stitches, according to 911 audio (for a transcript of the calls, click here).
Democracy Inaction 0
TPM reports that, in a new twist on their gut-out-the-vote efforts, Republican governors have decided that no elections are better than some elections.
Misdirection Play the NRA Way 0
Eugene Robinson spots a ploy:
The National Rifle Association and its vassals in the Republican Party would like you to exhaust your outrage on a possibility that is, from the start, impossible.
Follow the link for the rest.
Decoding de Code 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Clifford Lazarus offers a primer on understanding what narcissists are really thinking when the mouth bland niceties.
Not that that could be at all helpful in understanding certain politicians or anything like that there good heavens gosh golly gee no.