April, 2018 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Self-politeness is the politest king.
Deputies said a bullet skimmed the man’s leg.
I would hazard to say that this is a case of congealed carry.
Russian Impulses 0
Via Job’s AngerR.
Coffee Broken 0
Leonard Pitts, Jr., explains why he doesn’t support a boycott of Starbucks because, in his opinion, the problem isn’t Starbucks’ problem; it’s America’s problem. A nugget:
. . . it’s all the same story.
The circumstances change, yes, but the story never does. Nor does the moral thereof: America is a nation still infected with the same idiocy that has bedeviled us since before Thomas Jefferson wrote those noble words he didn’t believe about all men being created equal. Now, as then, some of us think you can judge a person’s intentions and worth from the color of his skin.
They may heatedly deny that they believe this. They may not even know that they believe this. But they believe it just the same.
So it’s useless to single out Starbucks for opprobrium.
Ratted Out 0
Frankly, I’d rather associate with the rodent.
In related news, Dick Polman opines. A nugget:
But Hannity’s fans shrug off the naysayers; they feast on his insular stupidity.
Granted, they would be outraged — and Hannity’s head would explode — if someone like Rachel Maddow championed a Hillary Clinton lawyer while soliciting that same lawyer. But even though Hannity considers himself a member of the Fourth Estate (he said last year, “I’m a journalist”), he and his fans exempt him from the ethical rules that bind real journalists.
Pipeline 0
Josh Marshall follows the money.
Political Psychopathy 0
Donald Trump is the personification of America’s id and America’s original sin of racism.
Those are just a few of yesterday’s headlines.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is a family value.
“She had no idea what she had done and she was very scared,” Detective Sgt. James Bogner said, WMAQ-TV reported.
The mother is recovering in the hospital.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness takes the back seat to nothing.
Defense attorney Dwight Hudson said Barber, the victim and others from Pine Bluff, North Carolina, were in Myrtle Beach to enjoy the weekend. They were in a car at the Waffle House when the shooting occurred.
“It was accidental as far as the gunshot and the wound and nothing is intentional about it,” Hudson said.
The woman is recovering and, in an unusual twist, the shooter is facing charges.