From Pine View Farm

Dehuman Race, Base Desires Dept. 0

At the San Francisco Chronicle, Michael O’Hare summarizes what he sees as the rationale for Trumpling refugees and immigrants and identifies three elements to the strategy. He starts by pointing out that many, if not most, of the persons being Trumpled are fleeing violence, gang warfare, and tyranny in their home countries.

Here’s an excerpt; follow the link for the expanded version and his prediction as to what to expect next (emphasis added):

Trump’s idea (served up to him by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and immigration policy adviser Stephen Miller) is to make the United States even more hostile and dangerous than the places they are fleeing. It had three parts, an irresistible hat trick, especially for an amoral narcissist surrounded by sycophants and playing to Fox News (and Putin, of course).

First, characterize these refugees (and actually all immigrants) against all the facts as dangerous criminals.

Second, make it known to refugees from the hellholes south of Mexico that they will be so abused should they reach the United States (here’s where breaking up the families was just the ticket), that that fear, added to the cost and hazards of the journey itself, will make them stay home and be killed quietly.

Third, turn refugees away from the ports of entry where they can apply for refugee status, and seize the kids when mom and dad commit the misdemeanor of walking across wherever they can and trying to apply at a U.S. Border Patrol station. This is just catnip for the fearful, vengeful core of Trump’s political base and only draws the meekest diffidence from a few congressional Republicans.


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From Pine View Farm
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