From Pine View Farm

June, 2018 archive

Wipe Out! 0

Donald Trump, riding a Harley-Davidson, with the license plate,

Click for the original image.

Jay Bookman comments. Here’s a bit; follow the link for the complete article.

You can’t condemn a company for responding logically to economic conditions that you yourself created. Not unless you’re Donald Trump, and the company is Harley-Davidson.

(Syntax error fixed. Darn computers. Expect you to splet stuf rite.)


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0



Celeste Holm:

I believe that if a man does a job as well as a woman, he should be paid as much.


A Mind Is a Terrible Thing Unwasted 1

Shaun Mullen reviews Michael Polln’s book, How To Change Your Mind, about what a long strange trip it was.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Rear your children politely.

A 3-year-old boy woke up in his home early Tuesday morning, went to the garage, found a gun in a car and shot himself in the head by accident, police in southwest Missouri say.

Just another day in NRA Paradise.


Trumpling Reagan’s “Shining City on a Hill” 0

Amy Fried explains how that city no longer shines nor sits on a hill, but has plunged into the valley of darkness.


Waist Deep in the Big–er–Muddy 0

Title:  The Opposite of Zero Tolerance.  Image:  Man wearing MAGA hat standing waist-deep in a pile of manure labeled

Click for the original image.


Borderline Disorder 0

Seth talks to Chris Hayes about conditions at the border and how they differ from what Donald Trump says they are. He also offers his thoughts about what motivates the anti-immigration crowd.


A Civil Tongue, One More Time 0

Frame One:  Sarah Huckabee Sanders recoiling from restaurateur's statement,

Via Job’s Anger.


Nailed! (by Trump) 0



Katherine Anne Porter:

I shall try to tell the truth, but the result will be fiction.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Trumpling the community pool.


The Rule of Lawless 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Responsible gun owners go shopping too, you know.

Authorities say a customer (at an IKEA–ed.) sat down on a couch to test it and a gun became dislodged from his pants. He didn’t realize it and continued shopping.

Kids found the gun and one of them pulled the trigger, firing a single shot. No injuries were reported.

Guns and stupid, a marriage made in–well, somewhere.


The Rule of Lawless 0

Elie Wystal comments on Donald Trump’s desire to abandon “due process” at the border (and, likely, everywhere else).

Just read it.


Facebook Frolics 0

Cyberfrolics in blue.


The Bully’s Pulpit 0

Donald Trump kicks a child down the hill while saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Court Is in Sessions 0

Thom and Frank Schaeffer discuss Jeff Sessions’s laughable attempt to invoke Godwin’s Law to end criticism of Donald Trump’s venality and brutality.



Robert van Gulik:

He reflected–a little sadly–that there was no substitute for youth.

van Gulik, Robert, Necklace and Calabash (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), p. 59


A Civil Tongue 0

Joe Patrice reacts to the conservatives who clutch their pearls and fall upon their fainting coaches because a restaurateur politely ask Sara Huckabee Sanders to find somewhere else to eat. A nugget:

One might suggest that civility probably starts with not torturing children and joking about it, but that would be playing their game. No, let’s just reject the shiny object of another disastrous trip down civility lane and keep our eyes on the ball — there are kids out there who really need help.

From Pine View Farm
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