From Pine View Farm

July, 2018 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Shower your neighbors with politeness.

He (Radcliffe, Ky., police chief Jeff Cross–ed.) said Howell was cleaning his weapons as he prepared to leave town when a shot was fired from a Glock 9mm gun. The shot went through a wall in Howell’s residence on Applewood Lane near John Hardin High School, Cross said, went through a window and struck a piece of furniture in a bedroom of another residence.

The story goes on the say that no charges will be filed because, for some fool reason, this has been determined to have been a “bad accident,” rather than, say, for example, just to suggest a term, criminally stupid.


Suffer the Children 0

Man and wife in bed reading.  Man, holding copy of

Via Juanita Jean.


The Check Is in the Mail 0




An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.


A Tune for the Times 0



Facebook Frolics 0

Jonesing the internet.


Punishing the Victim 0


Suffer the Children 0

The Trump administration has created a predators’ paradise by ripping children from their parents and putting them on the counters of old Walmarts.


The Spin Factor 0

Donald Trump at table labeled

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another responsible gun owner . . .

Deputies said the 12-year-old and a 7-year-old found a gun in a bag, gave it to a woman and while they handed it to her, the gun went off.

The woman said she gave the weapon to a man named Randall Cannon, who lives in the house where the accident happened, and he took it with him to an unknown location, deputies said.

. . . and yet another gun that fires itself.


GOP Health Care: Don’t Get Sick. If You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly. 0

Professor points to words on screen:

Click for the original image.



John Fugelsang:

I was caring for a toddler while my country was electing one.

In an Interview with Bob Cesca. Free download, login may be required.


Bugged 0



Russian Impulses 0

Shaun Mullen sums up this week in the Kremlin Kowtowing.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Talking Points Memo details the long history of the gut out the vote movement.

Just read it.


True Trump Believers 0

Man wearing Trump 2020 shirt says,

Click for the original image.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Unchecked baggage.


Trending 0

Frame One:  Donald Trump says,

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Expose your children to politeness at an early age.

The 8-year-old boy who was found dead Tuesday at a home on Church Street died of a gunshot wound to the head after his father’s loaded 12-gauge shotgun went off as the boy was handling it, state officials said Wednesday.

Parker Stevens had been handling the gun inside a closet in his parents’ second-floor bedroom when it fired, the Office of Chief Medical Examiner said. State police detectives said the Mossberg shotgun had eight shells in the gun’s magazine tube, and the boy apparently racked one of the shells into the chamber before he fired the gun.



Sinclair Lewis:

Whatever poet, orator or sage may say of it, old age is still old age.

From Pine View Farm
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