From Pine View Farm

We Went to a Garden Party . . . . 0

The weather yesterday was not too hot and humid, so we went to Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea, specifically to visit the Butterfly House. Here are a few pictures. (Species were identified with the help of The Butterflies and Moths of North America website.)

Monarch Butterfly

Adult Monarch Butterfly

Old Monarch

This Monarch is in its old age. Note the torn wing. The docent told us that the grandchildren of the current generation of their Monarchs would be the ones to migrate in the fall.

Pipevine Swallowtail

Pipevine Swallowtail

Two Zebra Swallowtails

Two Zebra Swallowtails

Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye



Passionflower, top view.
(Frankly, these things remind me of The Little Shop of Horrors.
It is no great leap of imagination to visualize that thing saying, “Feed me.”)

Since we took the tram, just for grins and giggles, here is a picture of the tram’s route, captured with the Move! Bike Computer, which I use to track my bicycle rides. The little squiggel in the upper right our walk through the Butterfly House. The light-colored area in the bottom right is part of Norfolk International Airport.

Screen capture of map of tram rider


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From Pine View Farm
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