From Pine View Farm

October, 2018 archive


Judith Kelman:

Life, I tell my sons, is what happens when you are making other plans.

Kelman, Judith, “Introduction” to Rex Stout’s Curtains for Three (New York: Bantam, 1994), p. vi


Commonalities 0

Stanton E. Samenow, who has long experience studying offenders, high-lights the key commonalities among mass shooters in an article at Psychology Today Blogs. Here’s a nugget:

Mass shooters come from different racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. What they share is a view of themselves and the world. They believe that they are unique in the sense of being superior to others. They build themselves up by trying to control others whether by deception, intimidation, or brute force. They regard human relationships as avenues for conquest. The greater their accomplishments in legitimate endeavors, the easier it is for them to mask who they really are. Such individuals find enormous excitement in finding ways to build themselves up by putting others down. They know right from wrong but have a chilling capacity to eliminate such considerations from their thoughts while pursuing their objectives. When apprehended, they regard themselves as the victims and routinely blame others or resort to claims of mental illness.

Follow the link for more.

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Missing the Point 0

One of the purposes of the social contract is that persons can attend public events without needing armed guards.


Proximate Cause 0

Title:  Explosive Device.  Image:  Bomb disposal expert removing a picture of Donald Trump's mouth from manila envelope.

Shaun Mullen explains (follow the link for the complete article):

But that should not blind us to the reality that monsters like Bush, Sayoc and Bowers are listening when Trump adroitly brings out the worst in human instincts in advocating violence, playing footsie with neo-Nazis and dog whistling anti-Jewish messages while shamelessly admiring one world leader above all others — the man who after all is responsible for his improbable presidency and the nightmare it has visited on America.

Image via Job’s Anger.


A Tune for the Times 0

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“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Face up to the politeness.

When police arrived at the scene they found an 18-year-old who sustained a gunshot wound to his face.

The injuries were non-life threatening but the teen was still taken to the hospital.

Police finished their investigation into the matter and determined that the gun was accidentally discharged.

I find the use of the passive voice somewhat noteworthy creepy.


So Much Whining 0

Bob Cesca is tried of all the whining. A snippet:

It’s the whining that burns me the most, accompanied closely by the ceaseless victim-mongering. Even after one of his Red Hat disciples targeted Trump’s personal enemies list for assassination, it’s not Obama who’s the victim — it’s not Hillary Clinton or Eric Holder or Cory Booker or James Clapper. The victim here is Trump. According to, of course, Trump.


Caravan of Craven 0

Line of Nazis, Klansmen, and assorted Red Hats carrying signs like,

Click for the original image.



Jonathan Swift:

There is nothing constant in this world but inconsistency.


Meta: No Connectivity Issues Today 0

Also, no clues.

Again, if you experience connectivity problems, please let me know, including the wording of any error messages you get and the time and date. I would love a clue.


Trick or Threat 0

Picture of the White House flying a flag saying,


The “Kavanaugh Defense” 0

Elie Mystal explains how it works. Here’s a snippet:

. . . deny, deny, deny . . . .

Follow the link for a more nuanced explanation.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Graphic:  15 Signs That Your Country Is Moving Towards Fascism.  1.  Identification of scapegoats as a unifying cause.  2.  Nostalgic longing for an idealized past.  3.  Disdain for intellectuals and the arts.  4.  Suppression of a free press.  5.  Manipulative use of euphemistic language.  6.  All dissent is equated with treason.  7.  Protection of corporate power.  8.  Suppression of labor forces.  9.  Normalization of rampant sexism.  10.  Contempt for the weak.  11.  Obsession with national security.  12.  Overfunding of the military.  13.  Obsession with crime and punishment.  14.  Unrestrained cronyism.  15.  Dominant religion is coopted by the regime.

Via Job’s Anger.


Plus ca Change 0

You can take the host out of Fox News, but you can’t take the Fox News out of the host.

The ignorance, it burns.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another polite family . . . .

Officials said the 13-year-old shot his younger brother with a small-caliber handgun. The 11-year-old boy was flown to a hospital by Life Flight and was in stable but critical condition, officials said.


Both Sides Not 0


Legacy 0

Title:  Passing the Torch.  Image:  Man in KKK sheet labeled

Via Juanita Jean.



Arthur Machen:

It was better, he thought, to fail in attempting exquisite things than to succeed in the department of the utterly contemptible.


Flagging Interests 0

Noz has a question.


I was having connectivity problems again today. According to my most excellent hosting provider, everything was okay at their end. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.


If you have experienced connectivity issues, particularly timeouts (which is what I was getting), please let me know. There’s an email link over there (—->) on the sidebar. The more information I have, the easier it will be to figure this out.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, politeness turns out to be child’s play.

Investigators say the child and his father went over to an older man’s home, a friend, to help work on the flooring Thursday. When the father and homeowner went to get more supplies, police say the child was left in the care of a woman at the home, who didn’t live there.

Police say the woman had just walked out of the room for a minute, unaware of the gun, which wasn’t readily visible. That’s when investigators say the child found it and accidentally shot himself.

From Pine View Farm
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