2018 archive
Twits on Twitter 0
Elie Mystal points out that Twitter is basically a fact-free zone and pretty much everybody knows it.
The Courage of Their Conniptions, Reprise 0
Bobby Azarian attempts to understand the unwavering loyalty of Trump’s base, suggesting 14 reasons to account for it. Here’s one of the less disturbing ones; follow the link for the others.
3. America’s Obsession with Entertainment and Celebrities
Digital Door Openers 0
If you are considering getting–or have already gotten–one of those web-based digital assistants and have all kinds of internet enabled gadgets and geegaws, you may want to think again. Two researchers at William and Mary have been investigating that stuff, and what they found is not reassuring. Here’s a bit:
This example is particularly telling for us, as we just got a new heating system which includes precisely the sort of function described above.
We opted not to get the app. Dammit, we are not so lazy that we cannot walk upstairs and push a button, for Pete’s sake.
Remember, as manufacturers rush to push out new digital gadgets, security is always an afterthought.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Cleanliness is next to politeness.
The story also mentions that he was so caught up in fondling his portable penis cleaning the gun that he did not realize the woman was shot until he heard her screams.
A Shunning City on a Hill 0
In the Roanoke Times, a descendant of pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower pens a stunning rebuke to the cold-hearted callousness of Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security, and by extension, to the administration in which she serves. An excerpt: