January, 2019 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Say it with politeness.
Police said the woman entered the bedroom to get a blanket when she claimed to have heard the sound of a firearm being racked. She accused the man of trying to intimidate her.
According to the arrest affidavit, the man pushed the woman to the ground and put the barrel of a 9mm handgun into her mouth. He allegedly said: “You want to see intimidation?”
More guns no doubt would have prevented this.
Facebook Frolics 0
Bonnie Goldstein has had enough.
An Economy in the Trumper 0
Robert Reich skewers the absurdity of trickle-on economics. A snippet:
It was classic supply-side rubbish. Rather than invest more, American corporations have been scaling back their investment plans.
Follow the link for his reasoning.
The Little Smirks, Reprise 0
Writing at The Roanoke Times, Nancy Trussell recounts her experience at the Women’s March in Washington, D. C. Remember that the Women’s March was on the same weekend as the annual anti-abortion march, which gave us the Covington Conundrum. A nugget:
I got no patience with the persons who have endeavored, apparently successfully, to minimize the conduct of the Covington creeps.
There is no way that using a weaponized smirk to invade the personal space of an old man is anything but disrespectful and offensive, regardless of what may be going on the background. Focusing on the conduct of those Black Israelites over there —–> on the sidelines is an example of the misdirection play at its best.
David Delves into the Dinar Dodge 0
Normally, I would not post something like this.
But I know first-hand someone who buys into this sort of stuff (and you probably do too)–someone who should know better, but will believe obscure Youtube videos and web sites on the back roads and woodland paths of the inner webs before he would believe the handwriting on the wall, even if he himself had seen the moving finger having writ it.
We Went to a Concert 0
The violin soloist was marvelous, as was the guest conductor.
And the musicians of the VSO gave their usual excellent performance.
Last year, the VSO performed Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade as a tribute to the first violinist, who was celebrating his 25th anniversary with them.
Scheherazade has been my favorite bit of classical music since I first heard it back when “stereo” was new (I still have the album), but I did not know until I saw it performed that it is a tour-de-force for the first violinist; much of it is the first violinist in solo. They–and he–nailed it.
Absolutely nailed it.
If you live in this area, be sure to take in a VSO concert. If you go their website a few days before the show and the show is not sold out, you can pick up tickets cheap. But, be warned! you’ll be buying a subscription the next season. That’s what happened to us.
All the News that Fits 0
Steve M. discusses Fox News’s “coverage” of the arrest of Roger Stone.
Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0
I did a year of grad work (History, U. S. Southern) at U. Va. I had a couple of great professors, one so-so one, and one so bad that his book got remaindered under his nose right there in C’ville.
I learned one thing in particular: A love for the study of history is not ipso facto a qualification for becoming a professional academician.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Fun in the food court.
But less than an hour later, Morrow Police Chief James Callaway said while the shooting is still considered accidental, the gun owner may still be considered a suspect because he left the scene.
The Rich Are Different from You and Me 0
The have money. Here’s an example:
Texas, like Virginia, is a two-license-plate state. The Austin, Texas, Statesman reports that someone wants to change all that, but only if you have the wherewithalls.
Rep. Ken King, R-Canadian (a small town in the Texas panhandle—ed.), is pushing House Bill 673, which adds one category to the current list of vehicles exempt from the front-plate requirement. In addition to “a road tractor, a motorcycle, a trailer, (and) a semitrailer,” King wants to add “luxury passenger car” to section 504.943 of the Texas Transportation Code.
Why? Because a constituent with a fancy car asked him to. If you can’t do stuff for constituents with fancy cars, who can you do stuff for?