From Pine View Farm

January, 2019 archive

Real Big Men 0

Title:  Sharp Advice.  Frame One:  Seems some were offended by Gillette's recent ad against bullying and harassment (Image: Man wearing MAGA hat says,

Click for the original image.


The Art of the Dealing with, Reprise 0

Stanton Peele, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, contrasts Nancy Pelosi’s and Donald Trump’s leadership styles (though, in the case of Trump, the word “style” might not be the best term, but I digress). Here’s a bit; follow the link for the rest:

4. Park your ego. Nowhere was the difference in the exercise of power more evident than in the aftermath of Trump agreeing to the conditions Pelosi had laid out at the start: keep the government going and work out a bipartisan border security plan. Now why didn’t I think of that? And, true to form, Trump acted as though he had thought of it when he announced “his” plan for going forward.

Others disagreed, prompting Trump to tweet, “This was in no way a concession.” Huh, that’s the word that is usually applied to giving in to the other side’s position.


The Art of the Dealing with 0

Man and woman walking by newspaper box displaying the headline,

Click for the original image.


A Nation of Immigrants 0

David and Tom Gjelten discuss the history of American immigration policy. It’s dirtier and more twisted than you might have thought (at least, if you have not studied it).


I think I have mentioned before in these electrons that the history of American immigration laws is a tutorial in applied racism.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

An update from the hunt for politeness:

Three men from California were hunting near High Point and Blanchard Road, according to Reno County Sheriff’s Captain Steve Lutz. One man’s shotgun fired and struck him in the heel of his foot.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Proudly Trumpling.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Wife to husband wearing MAGA hat:  I wish you'd remove that Confederate monument you're wearing.

Click for the original image.



Clarence Darrow:

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man’s freedom. You can only be free if I am free.


The Art of the Con 0

Eugene Robinson sees through the hype. A nugget:

Negotiations about a solution are at a standstill because Trump’s self-proclaimed negotiation prowess comes down to taunts and tweets.

Follow the link for more.


Headlines today indicate that some sort of (temporary?) agreement may be pending.

That does not invalidate the above.


Hotel California Moscow 0

Shaun Mullen points out that Donald Trump can check out, but he can never leave.


Man at Work 0

Donald Trump leaving the Oval Office saying,

Via Juanita Jean.


Twits on Twitter 0

Schoolhouse twits.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your mother, NRA style.

Deputies said the mother and her three kids were sitting in a Honda when her son, who is under the age of 5, got a hold of the shotgun. That mother was rushed to the hospital and is listed in stable condition.

The story reports that “a man has been arrested,” but does not specify why.

I’m guessing negligence of some sort.


All the News that Fits, Facebook Frolics Dept. 0


Bull. China Shop. 0

I agree with the Booman. There is no grand design, no subtle strategy to the Trumpian temper tantrum. That would be counter to every aspect of his character nature, and those who claim to see one are delusional (or, in some cases, perhaps, hopeful).

Follow the link for his argument.



Jane Wagner:

No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.


The Bully’s Pulpit 0

Sasha Abramsky joins the ranks of the optimists.

Amidst all of this heartache, Trump offered up a hostage-swap deal. Our child president has offered temporary protection for “Dreamers” and Temporary Protected Status immigrants in exchange for a $5.7 billion ransom for his vanity project “wall.” Of course, these immigrants only need protection in the first place because of Trump’s capricious, animus-filled decision to target their status and to repeatedly demonize them in his public utterances.

But something’s changed over the past months. Trump’s bullying tactics may no longer work. Where his antics once inspired fear, they now increasingly inspire mockery and fierce opposition.


Statue of Limitations 0

Image of Mitch McConnell as Easter Island Statue in front of Capitol Building.  One onlooker says to another,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is a gas.


Purists on Parade 0

Shorter Dick Polman: The perfect is the enemy of the good.


At this point, I pay no attention to who wants the Democratic nomination for President.

But my disdain for the “I agree with 90% of your positions but once you said something that hurt my fee-fees so I’m taking my vote and going home” crowd remains undiluted.

Also, any Democratic nominee is certain to be better than every Republican nominee, regardless of his or her flaws.

Vote in the real world, for Pete’s sake.

From Pine View Farm
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