From Pine View Farm

February, 2019 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A polite society is a clean society.

Whatever happened to, “Make sure the gun isn’t loaded”?


There’s in-App for That 0

Farron and Scott Hardy discuss the “in app” phish.


When we went out for breakfast Sunday morning, we saw a kid, maybe about six or eight, wearing a “Fortnite” tee-shirt. Wonder if he’s been suckered?


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Rat:  Hey, Goat, do you like to take your shower in the morning or at night?  Goat:  Night, mostly.  Rat:  Why, you left wing communist, socialist, diversity-love, avocado toast-eating, liberal traitor.  Goat:  I miss the days when every topic wasn't political.  Pig:  I still like you, traitor.  Rat:  Hey, con't talk to the tree-hugging enemy of the people.

Click for the original image.



R. H. Tawney:

Democracy is unstable as a political system as long as it remains a political system and nothing more, instead of being, as it should be, not only a form of government but a type of society, and a manner of life which is in harmony with that type. To make it a type of society requires an advance along two lines. It involves, in the first place, the resolute elimination of all forms of special privilege which favour some groups and depress other, whether their source be differences of environment, of education, or of pecuniary income. It involves, in the second place, the conversion of economic power, now often an irresponsible tyrant, into a servant of society, working within clearly defined limits and accountable for its actions to a public authority.


Willful Ignorance 0

Dick Polman comments on Donald Trump’s council of climate change charlatans who claim that climate change cannot be, but, if it is, it’s benign and beneficial.

A snippet:

Actually, it’s no mystery how we’ve lived to see this day. This day was guaranteed when 46 percent of the electorate chose as its president a flat-Earth crank who tweeted in 2014 that “GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop!” and has never masked his hostility to science.

In related news, my local rag today had a long article about how rising sea levels are devastating rural coastal communities.


“Entertainment Republicanism” 0

David interviews Republican strategist and Trump opponent Rick Wilson regarding his contempt for Donald Trump and the Red Hats. I found it interesting; give it a listen to find out where the title of this post came from. (Warning: He slips into a little reflex bothsiderism about half-way through, but I think his comments about Democratic strategy incisive.)

Read more »


Facebook Frolics, Just the Vaxx, Ma’am, Dept. 0

Doctor is examining child covered in spots.  Child's mother says,

Click for the original image.

Remember experience shows that, as Sandra Cothran points out at The Roanoke Times, “social” media isn’t social.


The Secesh Never Stopped Rising Again 0

Tennessean David Cook reacts to the continuing revelations of white politicians who wore blackface and in other ways memorialized the Secesh when they were young. He considers his own experiences as a white guy growing up in the South. Here’s a bit; I commend the article to your attention:

. . . I’m not surprised by the recent news that Gov. Bill Lee dressed in a Confederate costume at a college fraternity party.

Nor am I surprised by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s yearbook photo.

My hunch is that many African-Americans aren’t surprised, either.

Racism isn’t a surprise.

It’s often seen as the norm, the expectation.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

When a guest, show politeness to your hosts.

A two-year-old is recovering after Pulaski County investigators say the toddler shot himself in the arm Friday night.


Investigators say the toddler found an unlocked, loaded gun that a guest left under a bed. Deputies say the child’s parents told them, they didn’t know the gun was in the house.


The Wall-Eyed Piker 0

In The Sacramento Bee, the Dean of the UC Berkeley Law School sums it up. A snippet:

President Donald Trump is acting in an unconstitutional and unlawful manner . . . .

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Protected Fee-Fees 0

Sam marvels at the concern certain members of the media have for protecting the delicate fee-fees of the very rich.



Robert Goldsborough, in the voice of Archie Goodwin:

Maybe it’s because I’ve been around Wolfe so long, but I’ve always preferred getting my news from papers rather than television. It’s like favoring meat and potatoes over crepes.

Goldborough, Robert, Death on Deadline (New York: Mysterious Road, 1987), p. 99.


The Privatization Scam 0

The editorial board of the Las Vegas Sun lays out a compelling case against private prisons.


The Pusher Men and the Immunity System 0

Transcript here.


Manafort Destiny 0

Shaun Mullen.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Two Republican Elephants look at a map of the U. S.  One says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Vice of the Turtle, Rubber Stamp Dept. 0

The usual warning: language.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once more, politeness is child’s play.

Officers later learned that the child was inside a vehicle when he somehow obtained a firearm and it discharged.

The child was transported to an area hospital with a non life-threatening injury and is in stable condition.

Just another Day in NRA Eden.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

Two giant intelligent bugs in living room, one watching television and the other reading a newspaper.  The one reading says,

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.



Robert Goldsborough, in the voice of Nero Wolfe:

We are all fools at one time or another. It is endemic to the human condition.

Goldsborugh, Robert, Battered Badge (New York: mMysterious Press/Open Road, 2018). p. 51

From Pine View Farm
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