From Pine View Farm

March, 2019 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

People of Walmart Dept.”

Flying bullets also became part of the shopping experience when a woman shot a BB gun outside the big box retailer. Cobb police found her around 12:20 p.m. March 23 firing the weapon towards the parking lot where employees and customers were walking.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Courthouse Trumpling.

And here’s an extra bonus Trumpling.


NASA Walks It Back 0

Caption:  NASA reshuffles all femail space walk because of suit size.   Image:  One astronaut to another during space walk:  Did you buy that suit off the rack?

Click for the original image.



Germaine Greer:

I think that testosterone is a rare poison.


River Rats 0

Otters cavorting in a creek–another picture from my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

Three otters in the water


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better,
“But the Emails!” Dept.


Foxy Shady 0

Title:  Fred Fox, Ace Reporter.  Frame one:  Editor says,

Click for the original image.


Enemies List 0

Rabid mob, carrying

Via Kiko’s House.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, politeness becomes child’s play.

Anthony Wilson, a witness at the scene who said he was the brother of the man living in the home, said that the shooting was accidental. Wilson said the child found the gun under a bed, played with the weapon and shot himself. “Everybody was in the living room. The little boy went into the back of the room, crawled under his bed, and then we heard the gun go off.”


Self-Parody 0

Honest to Pete, you couldn’t make up this much stupid.


Trumpling Puerto Rico 0

Words fail me.



Peter De Vries:

Murals in restaurants are on a par with the food in museums.


Chartering a Course for Disaster 0

The Des Moines Register looks at Iowa Republicans’ plans for “school choice” and sums them up neatly:

Yet Republicans insist their “school choice” proposals are an attempt to create more options and competition in education. What they’re actually doing is attempting to siphon taxpayer money from public schools to just about anywhere else.

Follow the link for their reasoning.


It’s not just in Iowa, folks.


An educated polity is Republicans’ worst nightmare.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Yet more schoolyard Trumpling.


Facebook Frolics 0

Anti-vaxx frolics.

We are a society of stupid.


Pulling the Plug 0

Headline: Justice Department sides with lower court, says Obamacare should end

Donald Trump pulling the plug on patient on life support because of pre-existing conditions.

Image via Job’s Anger.


The Culpable Gullible 0

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board makes a point that I’ve expressed privately to friends.

Meddling in our elections by Russia and others foreign and domestic would not have worked if American citizens had looked up from their “social” media feeds and paid attention to the real world.

Here’s a bit; follow the link for the rest:

The fact is that Russia was able to compromise voters through dirty tricks, hacked e-mails, social media, and disinformation points out our own weakness as a country: We’re too gullible, and we don’t check facts, and we would rather share a meme than debate our differences.

Random Thought:

Conspiracy and puppetry are not the same thing.


Screech Cred 0


TV or Not TV 0

Pig:  You been watching any reality T. V. lately.  Rat:  No, Don't like to be exposed.  Pig:  To T. V.?  Rat:  No, reality.  Pig:  I didn't know that was an option.  Rat:  Come.  Join we in self-delusiontopia.

Click for the original image.




All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few.
