From Pine View Farm

It’s All about the Algorithm 0

David discusses how YouTube’s changing its algorithm is affecting his business model. I’m posting this because I think it is a telling commentary of the state of media today. Although I find David a sane and reasonable commentator–that’s why I from time to time feature his commentary–part of me agrees with Bob Cesca that we need to “bring back the gatekeepers.”

YouTube is a private company and it can do what it wants to its algorithm, and there is certainly much that “social” media (to the extent that a video site is “social”) needs to correct so as to stop teasing its visitors into a maelstrom of hatred and bigotry.

As an aside, because I’m old, I guess, I have trouble wrapping my head around the idea that putting videos on a website is a “business model.” Nevertheless, I reckon that in these days of the gig economy and decreasing job security and of the fraying of the social contract, it has become one–an unstable one, in which some Silicon valley outfit can tweak a setting and affect the incomes of those who use take advantage of their “service.”

I also find it distressing that some persons are willing to believe anything they hear just because they hear it, but that’s another rant.

Just a few stray thoughts.


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From Pine View Farm
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