From Pine View Farm

June, 2019 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Share a basket of politeness with your young ‘uns.

Her son, Jordan Lewis, told NBC 5 his 10-year-old daughter accidentally shot her cousins after they found a gun while digging in a bucket full of clothes.

The children had been searching for cell phones to play with, according to the grandmother.

Yet another responsible gun owner . . . .


Twits on Twitter 0

You have been warned.



Lew Wallace:

One is never more on trial than in the moment of excessive good fortune.


A Walk in the Park 0

Sunday, we went to Norfolk’s Gardens by the Sea. Here’s some of what we saw.

Bee on an Echinacea blossom

Read more »


Scoot, Scooters! 0

The current epidemic of rental electric scooters is not a public service.

It’s a get-rich scheme by tech bros who are swooping into cities to drop scooters so they can rent them out, even as they and their customers ignore local laws and public safety. It’s one more example of Silicon Valley’s doing something just because they can get away with it, and it’s causing problems here and in other cities. And, according to a trauma doctor who writes at The Seattle Times, it’s hazardous to your health and the health of others. Here’s an excerpt from his piece:

The surface appeal of these toylike forms of transportation is undeniable; scooters appear simple to operate, fun to ride and represent an environmentally friendly form of transportation. However, in cities that currently allow scooter rentals both users and pedestrians are getting seriously injured. Published data and physician accounts show the correlation between the rise in scooter popularity and serious and sometimes fatal injuries.

In scooter-filled cities, kids and adults alike are riding them in the street, on sidewalks, pedestrian trails … everywhere. The rules of e-scooter riding are clear, but they are not followed. Riders ignore age requirements. Most do not wear helmets. They double-up and ride in areas not conducive to scooters or public safety. Even if rules are followed, riders are crashing due to user error, device malfunction or simply the nature of scooter design.

The city of Austin and the CDC published a study describing injury patterns and rates for e-scooter users. This study, and another in California, clearly show the incidence of head injuries as alarming; nearly half of injured scooter riders sustained serious head trauma.


Indeed, I think I wrote in these electrons about being buzzed by two scootering bros weaving amongst pedestrians while at the beach front last summer.


Amenities 0

Donald Trump to little girl in cage:  If you wanted toothpaste and soap, you should have rented a room in one of my hotels.

Click for the original image.


The Candidates Debate 0

Seth comments on the Kabuki.


Verboten 0

ICE guard standing in front of fence labeled retaining detained children, who are sleeping on the ground or staring through the fence.  A lady labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Yet another schoolyard Trumpling.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness takes practice.

The sheriff’s office said people at a nearby home were shooting at targets and a motorcyclist was struck by a stray bullet.

The motorcyclist was able to slow down enough and realize he had been shot. He was then taken to Hennepin County Medical Center and is in stable condition, the sheriff’s office said Wednesday.

Just some more of those responsible gun owners at play . . . .



William Finnegan:

For billionaires who cannot buy good press, there is the option of buying the press.


The Candidates Debate 0

(Yawn) I’ll read about them tomorrow. Or, more likely, not.

Candidate debates are Kabuki without the entertainment value.

Policies, positions, and integrity matter.


Immunity Impunity 0

Steven M., considering the threatened militia attacks in Oregon, espies a double-standard. A snippet:

Threats of violence from non-whites are regarded as scary and menacing by the media, liberal or non-liberal. But rural whites are seen as Real Men and Real Americans; when they threaten violence, they’re just getting back to their frontier roots.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Facebook Frolics, One More Time 0

Republican Family Values frolics.


Facebook Frolics, Suffer the Children Dept. 0

The Trump Administration’s Sarah Fabian goes up against the (Facebook) wall.


Moore of the Same 0

Dana Hall McCain, writing at, considers Roy Moore’s candidacy for the Republican nomination for an Alabama Senate seat and concludes that his underlying campaign strategy is that hate sells.


To Protect and Shag 0

Honest to Pete, you can’t make this stuff up.


“Bigger Trouble” 0

John Bolton operating a Predator Drone headed to Iran.  Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Plight your troth politely.

But according to the Fresno Police Department, the weekend celebration turned tragic when a 23-year-old man couldn’t take no for an answer and opened fire after a young woman rejected his advances. One of the bullets hit her 10-month-old daughter in the head, and the child has been hospitalized ever since.

Much more at the link.



Harry Turtledove:

Fiction has to be plausible. All history has to do is happen.

From Pine View Farm
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