From Pine View Farm

January, 2020 archive

Bonnie and Clyde Junior 0

To Florida Man, add Florida Woman.


Spin Cycle 0

Title:  Evolution of a Trump scandal.  Republican Elephant says,

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

The Trump administration moves to roll back the clock on housing discrimination.



Edgar Allen Poe:

Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.


A Tune for the Times 0


Inviting Big Data into Your World 0

The EFF reports that there is a Ring of eyes recording all you do. Here’s an excerpt; follow the link for the rest (emphasis added).

An investigation by EFF of the Ring doorbell app for Android found it to be packed with third-party trackers sending out a plethora of customers’ personally identifiable information (PII). Four main analytics and marketing companies were discovered to be receiving information such as the names, private IP addresses, mobile network carriers, persistent identifiers, and sensor data on the devices of paying customers.

The danger in sending even small bits of information is that analytics and tracking companies are able to combine these bits together to form a unique picture of the user’s device. This cohesive whole represents a fingerprint that follows the user as they interact with other apps and use their device, in essence providing trackers the ability to spy on what a user is doing in their digital lives and when they are doing it. All this takes place without meaningful user notification or consent and, in most cases, no way to mitigate the damage done.


Epidemiology 0

Robert Barholomew warns us not to be blinded by the panicky news coverage and even more panicky “social” media “shares” about the Coronavirus. Here’s some excerpts:

It’s important to put the risk into perspective. The Coronavirus does not appear any worse than the annual flu. The key difference is that there is no vaccine, and one will likely take months to develop.

During the 2018-2019 flu season in the United States, about 75% of all deaths were age 65+. Roughly 17% were between 50-64. These two categories comprise 91% of all deaths. But look closer and you will see that many of them had an array of pre-existing conditions that left them with weakened immune systems. Early reports from China back this up, most of those who have died were already in poor health.


There is a real danger that social media will spread fear and confusion.

Read the whole thing and inoculate yourself against hysterical hype.


Macho Macho Men 0

The writer of the second letter to the editor of my local rag at this link, absolutely nails it.

Some of the other letters at the link unwittingly make his case.


Hulk Smash 0

Gavel labeled

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your playmate.


Starr Turns 0

No self-awareness. No self-awareness whatsoever.



Michael Weatherly, in the voice of Tony Dinozzo:

If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you always got.


The Circle of Complicity 0



Gutting Out the Vote 0


Ordering Take-Out 0

Trump and Guiianie standing behind Lady Justice.  Trump says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

In the Great White North, the hunt for politeness continues.

The three men were out hunting when one of them got separated from the others. Police said one of the men shot at what he thought was a rabbit and injured the 20-year-old.

One wonders, was it his fluffy white tail or his long furry ears, or are the rabbits just bigger in Canada?


The Malestrom* 0

Will Bunch.


*With apologies to Edgar Allan Poe.


How Far Did Wells-Fargo? 0

According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune’s Lee Schafer, pretty damn far.


Money under over the Table 0



Ford Madox Ford:

Only two classes of books are of universal appeal: the very best and the very worst.

From Pine View Farm
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