From Pine View Farm

April, 2020 archive

The Constant 0


A Notion of Immigrants 0


The Past Is Prologue . . . . 0

David Campos espies a pattern in historical Trumpling. I am skeptical of where the pattern leads him, but the pattern itself deserves discussion. A snippet:

Of all the delusional things that Trump’s supporters believe about him, one of the most delusional is that Trump is a tough guy who doesn’t back down. A woman tweeted a couple of days ago — I can’t find the tweet at the moment — that Americans weren’t willing to elect a woman president in 2016 but they got a little bitch anyway, which is exactly right.


In fact Trump is an enormous crybaby and whiner . . . .


The Emptiness 0

Image of

Click for the original image.

Will Bunch has commentary.



Isaac D’Israeli:

Mediocrity can talk, but it is for genius to observe.


The Abdication 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Jim Jones argues forcefully that Donald Trump is not doing his job. Here’s a bit of his piece; follow the link for the rest.

When the financial markets crashed on March 14, he finally woke up to the fact that he had a raging crisis on his hands, which could not be blown off by fast talk. He started claiming that it was a problem for the state governors to deal with. Since then, he has doubled down on the strategy, painting the federal government as a mere cheerleader, there to offer advice to the governors from the sidelines.

The federal government has the power, the funding capacity and the responsibility to organize and lead a national effort to combat this serious national threat. Trump has flat failed to do so.


Against Covidiocy 0

At, a nurse argues that the severity of COVID-19 has not been clearly communicated and pleads with persons to follow the rules during this pandemic. A nugget; follow the link for more, but be forewarned–it’s not pretty or comforting (emphasis added).

This is worse than I ever could have imagined. Before COVID-19 hit America, I was the one that said, “It’s just like having the flu. They’re making a big deal about nothing.” This is nothing like the flu, and we’re not making a big enough deal about this.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another responsible gun owner (sic) hunts politely.

Just before 5 p.m., the child was turkey hunting with his parents southeast of Roxbury (Kansas–ed.).

Detective Doug Anderson says another adult hunter in the area, who was not with their group, shot at what he thought was a turkey. It turns out he was shooting a decoy that the boy was standing near.


Abused by the News 0

Frame One:  Pig walks in the meadow, saying,

Click for the original image.


The Quest 0

A local columnist at my local rag describes her search to keep her family supplied with the tissue of necessity.


A Family Affair 0


Our Poisonous Discourse 0

We are a society of stupid.

Poison Centers across the country are now reporting that emergency calls to them have risen.

In New York City, the calls spiked in the 18 hour period immediately after the President’s insane and essentially suicidal recommendation was broadcast on Thursday.

Evidence and citations at the link.



Niels Bohr:

Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.

(Link fixed.)


A Tune for the Times 0


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Sorry, lady, it just doesn’t add up.


Covidiocy, Reprise 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., makes a promise.

I will not die of stupid.

Follow the link for the rest.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Give your children the opportunity to be polite.

Investigators say Fowler had just returned home from work and set his pistol, keys and hat on a table. According to investigators, Fowler was on the phone with a family member when the (two-year-old–ed.) toddler picked up the gun and shot Fowler in the back.


Covidiocy 0

A survivor of COVID-19 recently released from the hospital is appalled takes issue with the “reopening” protestors. A nugget:

It’s obvious that we need to go back to work. It’s obvious that this virus is shattering our economy. But it’s also obvious that people are dying and will continue to die, until our government, doctors, scientists and the general public learn to manage COVID-19. Those who are publicly protesting are putting themselves and their families at unbelievable risk, foreshadowing the fate of this country if states re-open too quickly.


The TV Epidemiologist 0

Title:  How did we get here?  Image:  Donald Trum on the Trump Show as Drs. Birx and Fauci face-palm says,

Via Job’s Anger.



William Gaddis:

Stupidity is the deliberate cultivation of ignorance.

From Pine View Farm
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