May, 2020 archive
The New Pastime 0’s Kyle Whitmire notes that American roulette is now all the rage is his home state* of Alabama.
*And, I would add, many others.
Wait Two Weeks 0
My two or three regular visitors know that I tend to ignore the daily hot-button kerfuffles that every leftie blogger thinks he or she must needs comment on and that I am not much given to prognostication (hell, I trained as an historian and understanding the past is hard enough–I’m not going to try to predict the future and you don’t want to know what that prediction would be anyway because it ain’t pretty), but, mark my words, just wait two weeks.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is a family value.
What’s in a Name? 0
El Reg reports on Microsoft’s relabeling its Office 360 (that’s the one in the cloud on somebody else’s computer) update routines. It’s like American cars in the 1950s and 1960s–rearranging the chrome on the same old same old.
Follow the link for the full box of brand aids.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is a family value.
At the time of the report, his condition was not known.
I would have more respect for all these “responsible gun owners” if they actually acted–how shall I put it?–responsibly.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Will Bunch wonders why right-wingers are waging war against the New York Times’s 1619 project.
Me, I’m torn. I can’t decide between whether they (the right-wingers) can’t handle the truth or they don’t want anyone else to handle the truth. Or maybe it’s some of both all mixed up together in a steaming pot of denial.
Survey Coarse 0
At The Roanoke Times, Dan Casey writes of a recent “survey”* from the Republican Party that he received in the mail.
Just follow the link.
*That is, a fund raising request in sheep’s clothing.