From Pine View Farm

June, 2020 archive

Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Yet another restaurant Trumpling.


The Miracle Cure, as Seen on TV! 0

Are your supplies of Imbesol running low?

This article explains where you can find some more.


Them’s the Brakes 0

Donald Trump at podium saying,

In a related vein, Jamelle Bouie comments on Donald Trump’s isolationism–from news, that is.

Image via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.



Lillian Hellman:

Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.


A Tune for the Times 0



The Trump Kool-Aid 0

Thom and Dr. Justin A. Frank discuss the similarities between Donald Trump and cult leaders and the source of Trump’s appeal to the Trumpettes.


Immune Response, Reprise 0

Andie Dominick of the Des Moines Register interviewed ER doctor Tom Benzoni about COVID-19 in Iowa and published an edited version of the transcript on its editorial page. Here’s a tiny bit; follow the link for the rest (bold type is used to indicate a question).

Any thoughts for people who don’t think the virus is real or a threat?

Gravity is just a theory. You can go ahead and walk out a second-story window because gravity is a theory. The virus doesn’t care what you believe.


Great Moments In Zoom 0

You can’t make this stuff up. (And you wouldn’t want to.)

Full Disclosure:

I’ve attended two Zoom meetings.

Both were private, by invitation only, and neither was Zoombombed. And, I must say, Zoom seemed to work quite nicely on my Android devices.

I think part of the security problems Zoom had was because, four months ago, hardly anyone had heard of Zoom. Then all of a sudden everyone was trying to use it. And, per security maven Bruce Schneier, Zoom is making progress on the security front.


Immune Response 0

Writing at Psychology Today Blogs, Nathan Heflick discusses the results of a survey that indicates that many persons may be unreasonably optimistic about their ability to escape COVID-19. He finds the implications of their optimism disturbing.

A snippet:

In general, this optimism was related to less hand-washing, less social distancing, and less mask-wearing . . . .

Follow the link for the complete article.


Facebook Frolics 0

The sin blue line frolics.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

A Juneteenth Trumpling.



Francis John McConnell:

We need a type of patriotism that recognizes the virtues of those who are opposed to us.


Geeking out 0

Ubuntu MATE with the Fluxbox window manager on a Zareason Mediabox. The wallpaper is from my collection.



Prioritizationizing 0

From sportswriter extraordinaire Bob Molinaro:

At a time when some big earners are taking financial haircuts, ESPN notes that the highest-paid public employee in 40 states is a football or men’s basketball coach. Clearly then, the priorities of the other 10 states need adjustment.


Facebook Frolics 0

Denial is not just a river in Egypt frolics.


The No-Show 0

Title:  The Room Where It Didn't Happen.  Image:  Desk labeled

Click for the original image.


Donald Trump’s One-Note Samba 0


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

A family Trumpled while dining out.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

The Trump Administration is trying to close the golden door.


The Reframing 0

I’m sure you’ve gotten them: fund-raising appeals from candidates or political parties masquerading as surveys and characterized by slanted questions, such as

    Do you believe in truth, justice, and the American way, or are you going to vote for the party that worships Satan and sacrifices tween virgins on the altar of Moloch?

At The Roanoke Times, Dan Casey tells of one such survey he recently received, then attempts to recast the questions so that they reflect reality.

I commend his piece to your attention.

From Pine View Farm
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