From Pine View Farm

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Werner Herzog’s Bear marvels at the irony that the Reagan Foundation has requested that Donald Trump no longer use Ronald Reagan’s name in fundraising. He notes that, even though Reagan knew much better than Trump how to conduct himself in public, Reagan’s policies presaged in many ways Donald Trump’s actions. Here’s one example; follow the link for the rest.

Immediately after getting elected in governor 1966 Reagan sought to repeal the Rumford Fair Housing Act, a law that prohibited housing discrimination in California. National bans on discrimination would not be in place until 1968. Reagan claimed he was only defending property rights. Trump’s recent Twitter diatribes about the suburbs being banned due to housing integration if Biden gets elected fall firmly into the same tradition.


I say “Trump’s actions,” not Trump’s policies, for, as far as I can tell, Donald Trump does nothing consistently enough to warrant the sobriquet of “policy.”


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