August, 2020 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Methinks that, in the following excerpt, “handling” is a polite way of saying “fondling lascivously.”
I’ll stop there.
And, reputably, yet another gun that went off on its ownsome (something, by the way, that guns don’t do).
I have two daughters.
Disgust wells up within me.
There are not enough books to throw at this clown.
Driven to Distraction 0
You can’t make this stuff up (and you wouldn’t want to if you could).
Recommended Listening 0
Bob Cesca interviews Carl Hoffman about the magickal, reality-free world of MAGA rallies and ralliers.
Mailing It In 0
Carl Hiaasen, his tongue firmly implanted in his cheek, reveals the secret first draft of Postmaster-General DeJoy’s prepared remarks for Congress. Here’s an excerpt:
Same goes for the millions in our great party with significant health problems who can’t risk going to the polls in the midst of a viral pandemic, and who are starting to believe what President Trump has been saying about fraudulent mail-in balloting. He’s not talking about your state, okay? He’s talking about all the other states.