September, 2020 archive
Geeking Out 0
Ubuntu MATE with the Fluxbox window manager and virtual machines of Fedora and Bohdi Linux on a Zareason Media Box.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Still remembering Professor Shade, I wonder whether he would find irony in the Republican Party’s transformation into the party of the Secesh.
Maskless Marauders 0
At the link, George Danby, the cartoonist, points out that
In the span of six months, the country has gone from the mantra of “We’re all in this together” to cries of “You can’t make me wear a mask.”
I don’t remember a “we’re all in this together” period, nope, not at all.
And speaking of masks, I am again reminded of Professor Bill Shade’s mantra that history is irony.
The Horse Race 0
The Orlando Sentinel’s Scott Maxwell has had it up to here with polls and the horse race election coverage. An excerpt:
Follow the link for his evidence.
“The Rabbit Hole” 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Joe Pierre discusses some factors which may make persons fall down what he refers to as “the rabbit hole” of believing in QAnon. Here’s an excerpt; follow the link for the entire piece and some related links.